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He Just Won $300,000 Bass Fishing (2025 Bassmaster Classic Review)

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  1. Won that with absolutely no clue how to bass fish. That's amazing. And not in a good way. No wonder the stadium was mostly empty. Sad what it's gotten to be. I miss watching actual pros pulling out all the tricks to catch a decent limit based on skill. I guess BASS has about run it's course, unfortunately…

  2. Man what a whiney ass comment section. Roughly half of the top ten really leaned on scope, the other half beat a hell of a lot of incredible scopers not using it.

    The online discourse is just so toxic on this beaten to death topic. If the guys whining actually watched NPFL, they’d get more than a few thousand people watching their stream

  3. Every sport limits the equipment they allow. There are tennis rackets they cant use. There are bats, and baseballs they cant use. There are clubs, and balls they cant use. But why not? They are better. Its because those in charge of a sport, want to retain the history and tradition of the sport. At professional level, you should be able to succeed without the new technology.
    Bass fushing could learn a thing or two. We are ruining the history, and tradition of our sport. Sad to watch

  4. Eventually, BASS will have to split this up. Two different tournaments. World championship live scopers, and World Championship Bass fishermen. Thats how far apart this crap is. The scope technology is getting so good, there wont be a traditional fisherman win again.

  5. So disappointed how Live Scope has destroy the classic What could he do without it. Ray Robert's is my home lake I wanted to learn tips from the pros not watch them look at a screen. Ban Live Scope

  6. There was to much talking . In MLF When they are being filmed even if the anglers are not catching they will talk about what they are doing and how they are trying to catch fish .

  7. Youve tried your best to keep a straight face, tq. But its time to talk less about skills on choosing lures or venue, but instead skills on using the sonar, it is what it is.

  8. Once upon a time, people were bitching when anglers started using artificial lures. Then they started bitching when anglers started using aquascopes. They bitched again when the first generation sonars appeared. And yet again, when it evolved into FFS.

    The point is, competitive fishing has always evolved in ways that people don't like or feel uncomfortable with. These are all tools. When money is involved, there's definitely some bad attitudes stemming from competitiveness. But they have to step back and see that FFS is just another step in the evolution of competitive bass fishing.

  9. Bass fishing has always been about changing as the equipment changed. I'm talking 50 plus years. The sport should have stopped progressing 50 years ago for the betterment of the fish.

  10. Its laughable people actually accept this as fishing. Not long ago this wouldn't be considered fair chase. Whatever makes it easier since hard work isn't valued anymore.

  11. I just found your channel and you spoke the truth about the Classic keep things positive an i will stick around I had to unsubscribe to Randys channel just to much negative energy for me please keep it up an i will see you on the next one

  12. To ALL the haters. All of you should give up fishing. No accepting younger anglers, dismissing their skill set, and just being disgusting individuals who have nothing better to do then complain. And we know you ALL watched just so you can complain. See the reason all of you HATE FFS, IS BECAUSE YOU CAN'T understand it. They all have it. And the fact that both Fothergill and Mckinney show class and humility at such a young age, all of you should be embarrassed because YOU are just as bad as the Karen's on boat docks. Go take up golf. But we all know you'll keep watching just so you can bitch and complain…..cry me a river😢😢😢. Congrats to Fothergill and Mckinney for their finish. Way to see the younger talent show what they can do…..AND ALL THE HATERS YES THEY DID IT WITH FFS and you watched it happen😂😂😂. It's not going anywhere, it's a tool. Live with it.

  13. Just accept FFS as another piece of equipment that's available. If you can afford then get it, if you can't then don't. You can still catch plenty of fish without it. Just like framing a house with a hammer and nails works great, but you produce alot better living with an airgun.

  14. Screw bass masters. Done watching guys watch a screen to win. No knowledge just ffs . Shoe me a tourney with no electronics then I'll watch some true skill. They have to ask is the garmin/hummingbird sponsorship worth loosing most viewers

  15. His name is fothergill… of course he wins the bass master… fothergill just the name attracts big bass. I’m gonna make a new bait and that’s what it’s gonna be called. Fothergill ©️ copyrighted ™️ trademarked so yall can’t steal it

  16. These comments are so ridiculous, yes FFS is not the greatest thing to happen to televised bass fishing but the only people complaining are typically people who don’t understand it or have it. Stop complaining and deal with it, u guys are acting like there out there using live bait. And heck I don’t even have FFS and I think this.

  17. Got bored of watching someone going left to right with his trolling motor to use ffs,
    Sorry but that's not using ur melon on how to really catch fish, would love to see these ffs fisherman hav to go out and fish without ffs, and fall flat on their face cause they don't know how to fish

  18. Yep playing video games, scrue learning how to pattern fish, way to go on winning the first scooping Bass Master tournament and we it's not the first but folk's this is how these companies keep technology away from us the average fisherman but let's keep scooping 💪

  19. Yeah no offense to him hes supposedly a great kid but i just cant with the ffs. I was going to the classic next year but im not feeling it. I think im gonna cancel my reservations.

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