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He Catches His PB!!

in this video me and Will go pond hopping in two different ponds in our area after a big rain. Fishing conditions can be awesome as the water rises as big bass are on the search for an easy meal. At the first pond we caught a bunch of nice bass on jigs and crankbait. Then we went to the 2nd pond and Will hooked into a giant within minutes of fishing. It turned out to be Will’s new PB (Personal Best) of 6.39lbs. Thanks for watching!!

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We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Yo, what happens to their mouths after you let them go, do they just heal quick or something? How do their lips not rip off?

    Me and my cousins went a long time ago, the fish swallowed the lure and he yanked its guts out. Literally pulled out the fishes insides and we seen a belly up floating away. We were young ass kids and got shook because he had to take to guts off the line, I had to help. It didn't catch the lip, somehow it went into the belly or w.e and it was just all bad.

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