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Has forward facing sonar ruined Tournament bass fishing??

What’s up guys? Wanted to open up my platform to have a discussion with my viewers regarding the whole forward facing sonar deal. A lot of people seem to not like the progression of electronics in our sport while some do. I wanna hear your thoughts. Drop me a comment and let’s talk about it. Thanks for watching and don’t forget to subscribe✌🏾


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  1. Those fish you guys catch off shore that never got caught before helped keep are lakes populated they came up and spawned maybe a few got caught then but then those fish were able to go back out and get left alone. There is also a lot of people that use FFS to catch fish to eat. Listen you speak of advancements and compare the A rig to FFS that’s a apples to oranges example. There is such thing as to much advancement cause there is no way our lakes can keep up with this raping of bass. It’s like spot lighting for deer at night and they don’t allow that anywhere cause they know what would happen to the deer population

  2. What about the guy just coming up who doesn't have the sponsors and can't afford all this expensive electronic epuipment. The sport itself has become so expensive that a working man has no chance to even get started chasing this dream. From electronics to tackle not to even mention $125k boats the cost of bass fishing is becoming out of reach for most people

  3. At the end of the day….Professional Bass anglers are nothing more than a professional salesman. Skill levels has decreased. I see it all the time. But much love to the sport!

  4. To me fishing is an art that you develop over years of dedication to it.. Almost a martial art if you will.. I would have no interest in using a device that shows me where the fish are.. I know its almost stupid to say.. but ive went days without catching a single fish… I'm ok with it.. The suspense every cast just is amplified.. To each they own though… I have no issues with somebody else using this and that.. Its all for fun baby..

  5. Good comments Mark but it seems that the learning is being lost.If all fishermen do is drop the trolling motor and look at a screen what is being learned ? Season,water level ,water temp , water clarity,figuring out what cover they are on, what lure to cast,casting accuracy etc has become secondary to the screen.I hate it

  6. There has been alot of discussion about electronics. Most of us cannot afford all that stuff and you have to buy so many extras to make everything work. Just cost prohibitive!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Tournament bass fishing is just gambling anyways, so why not let technology come into play. IMO it has taken the excitement and unknown away from fishing.

  8. Livescope is just another improvement in technology…. if people want to ban Livescope, then why not ban trolling motors, why not ban high performance outbound motors, why not ban all electronics… the world is crazy with CANCEL CULTURE.
    The angler still must catch the fish they find on any electronics!!!
    There are many people with the CANCEL CULTURE MENTALITY who would like to ban ALL bass tournaments !!!
    Simple solution = use creel limits to protect fish population.
    Many anglers who use LiveScope ONLY CATCH AND RELEASE !!!
    Livescope IS NOT the problem… technology IS NOT the problem… IRRESPONSIBLE ANGLERS = THE PROBLEM !!!

  9. It is a TOOL.
    I grew up woodworking.
    My Dad owned a cabinet shop, and in production your work is only as good as your tools! Bottom line!
    Utilize the tools available,that your opponent is (I GUARANTEE) using against you or get beat! SIMPLE.
    Can't afford the tools?
    Do you think PBA Bowlers use garage sale equipment?
    Do PGA PROS use pawn shop clubs? NO ,THEY DO NOT.
    Step up and play, or get the hell out of the way!

  10. Mark as a fisherman and a fan of tournament bass fishing I WILL NOT watch a tournament of any organization if the fishermen are using forward facing sonar. Nothing is more boring and uninteresting than watching you guys stare down at a screen.

  11. People used to say “if I had sonar like the pros I could catch them too”. Every time something new in electronics comes out people say the same thing. It’s gonna change in the future. Forward will become a standard and then something else will come out. I’m all for it as a recreational guy.

  12. I think the biggest issue is that people are pissed because not everybody can afford a $3000 graph. Trust me, i got my garmin and I’m saving up to get live scope but I think the biggest issue is that pro anglers get it for free and the weekend warrior has to pay for it. Don’t pay attention to the trolls. I’m looking forward to getting my live scope in December. I really don’t give a shit what people think. Love your channel bro.

  13. Regional Bass Tournament Trails in North Carolina were dominated by guys who sunk lots of brush piles in the 80s . These places were unknown to others for a while and propelled success for those who sunk them . With forward facing sonar these places were not the secret for very long . You might could argue that this tech evened the playing field for anglers . These hidden pile were no longer hidden and that took away an advantage that anglers created for themselves . As far as hurting viewer enjoyment of tournaments that is another argument .

  14. Great info Mark! came back to ask, in the MLF 5 fish limit events, so you see being more of less dependent on electronics in the hunt for upping the weight of your catch?

  15. I totally respect you as an angler for what you are doing out there on the big time, as well as at you did back in the delta, but my issue with forward facing sonar is the cost. the industry is making kids believe they have to have a $100,000 rig to compete. Yes, you have to be a great angler to make a living out of fishing there are no short cuts, but i think it a bad for kids to think they can't make it without spending way more than they can afford to be competitive. I know it's not going to change but i don't think the industry is going in the right directions.

  16. How is a fish gunna get conditioned to something they dont even know is there?? They get conditioned to lures cause they see em n they know when they bite some like it they get hooked but they can't correlate the reason they got hooked is cause of the scope. Fish will nvr get conditioned to sonar because they don't know it exists but thats just my 2 cents.
    P.S. I don't think electronics or ruining the sport per say but I do definitely think it changing the sport drastically. Whether that's good or bad only time will tell.

  17. Since I don't have or intend to purchase forward facing sonar I don't watch the videos that show it….at all. No purpose to me watching people find fish in that manner.

  18. Agree. Most anti-livescopers are technologically brain lazy and just can't apply themselves in the tech world. Others just can't play the money game so they knock it. I fought tooth and nail to afford a livescope set-up because it's fun and fascinating. 2 seasons in and I wouldn't want to be without it because it is live time sonar. I can't say I catch more fish with it but I've become more efficient on the water. Love it! With that said, I still spend the majority of my time fishing shallow and old school but gotta have my scope!

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