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Guys…Something Is Happening To Bass Fishing YouTube Channels That You Should Know About…

Randy talks about what is happening in the YouTube bass fishing genre…#bassfishing #bass #angler #fishing #fish

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  1. Mr. Randy, You have three channels, contribute to others. You are in a unique position to offer three mind sets for related topics. I do believe that speaking on a topic, then a demonstration is next level communication. Something that may help you separate yourself from the crowd. Personally would suggest another look at the advance channel. Long form is great for some folks. Perhaps breaking down the content into 10 minute bites would encourage viewership? Have you ever heard "The mind can only absorb what the butt can endure". Now we have to expand to include "what quiet time we can scrounge up". The fish the moment fun competition segments with Jonny were good, I'd add a narrative of the decision making process to take that up a notch. Perhaps bring the channels into clearer focus, stop any self limiting contributors. (that was NOT a Mental Monday jab. They're on Monday's and folks know it.) Hey happy B-day, check off another trip around the sun. Leave you with a fun quote to keep things in perspective from Zig. "Remember ~ the only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you." All the best.

  2. Everybody is struggling for content, and trying to balance the positive & negative videos for fear of being labeled.
    It's interesting sitting on the sidelines and watching y'all fight for clicks……but it is getting more & more boring and mundane as time goes by.

  3. I enjoy watching fish catches and bait and gear or technique breakdowns. I believe a lot of us do and thats why Tactical Bassin is popular. No1 wants to see all the crying and high school drama that a lot of channels have turned into.

  4. All I mostly see is the arguing and fighting videos by the ones trying to clickbait everyday. Mostly Tournament guys calling out others. I guess this is the new way of youtubing. Seems they are only concerned with the moment and not the future or our lakes. Great Job Randy. Thanks for being open and honest always. Reminds me of same guys out on the ledges I fish, always crowding and or fighting.

  5. Some of the content is the same old crap. Mis-leading titles and guys burning fishing spots. I enjoy your channel due to all the topics covered and your real thoughts on bass fishing now a days. If you keep mixing it up with fishing news, tactics, days on the water, & views on fishing you'll be right on track to keep rolling sir!

  6. Hey Randy love your channel I've been a subscriber for couple years now , but haven't added a comment very much I would love to see you on the water w/ a jerkbait or pitching a jig . Have you ever considered filming some of your on water lessons maybe edit 3 or 4 trips to save time I think your followers know I would love to see it a non livescope true Master with a jerkbait or jig in hand ..

  7. Honestly, I quit Bass fishing because it is so difficult to find a location to actually fish. It doesn't matter if you're wading, in a kayak, or a boat, the number of people on lakes and rivers is astronomical. I turned my attention to UL and L fishing in small, shallow creeks that hide pockets. Do I get huge bass. No, I don't. 12-14" is a giant for these creeks. But, (as long as it isn't a PA stocked trout stream), you can wade 2-3 miles up or downstream and never see another soul. I catch various species and have a lot more fun. I turned my video watching into the ones that have interesting titles, or the anglers who focus on creek and streams.

  8. It's because the fishing industry has reached the point of saturation. It started with covid. And a lot of those folks that got into this during covid are now getting out. I see a ton of new boats for sale that have barely been used. Guy selling all of their bass fishing equipment and you can tell it's all been bought in the last five or six years. I think the decline curve has hit its peak and we're on the downside of the covid pickup. A lot of those folks that jumped into the outdoors are now back at work back to their normal lives and frankly they really didn't care for it it was just something to do when they couldn't do anything. And because of the giant upswing during covid tons of people got into YouTube bass fishing. And there's only so many of us to watch and we have thousands of you guys out there producing. In a lot of the videos are becoming redundant. You can only watch so many videos about how to fish a jig

  9. YouTube was a gold rush. That rush ended 5 years ago. Fishing in general exploded during the pandemic. Ive even noticed on my lakes the ppl out fishing is starting to go down. Which im happy for as far as pressure. I honestly think fishing was just a fad for most. Education was great for all the new comers during covid. If you think about it. Now ppl have dropped the fad and its just the outdoorsman an woman left. How many of the hardcores you know that have the time or even want to just spend time on a phone or computer.

  10. Education is long term value but I think on the water production value might be a wise investment just to make it a little more escape from reality / fishing focused and less talk focused. Videos of you on the water putting techniques to work allows you to monetize your time on the water that you are committed to anyway.

  11. My viewing of bass fishing you tube videos has definitely declined for several reasons. I have stopped watching any channel or video where guys are using FFS (sorry Johnny). Another reason is that as much as I love fishing the decline in the quality of our fisheries due to over overfishing an the failure of our wildlife resources departments to responsibly manage them has just made a day on the water less enjoyable. The content I do still seek out is content like yours and a few others who focus on teaching techniques and ways to use certain lures. If I have any suggestion on content it would be to get out of the tackle room and do more videos in the boat on the water. Actually seeing how a lure or technique is being retrieved, where the cast is being placed and how the boat is positioned etc is much more enjoyable than it just being explained.

  12. The info we have taken in from your channel and others works so well are catching more fish and have learned all the techniques we wanted to learn Thank you for helping me become a better angler Randy

  13. Rasndy like everybody says just do you! I think you can see by now your viewers are here for the diversity of the channel and how its become one of the only complete bass fishing channels on youtube! You cover the entire spectrum of the sport! You started this channel doing content you feel we need to know! You always spoke from your heart and did it your way and thats why we are all here! Dont worry about what everybody else is doing! The good channels will weed out the bad ones! You didnt get your subscribers by following the crowd!

  14. I just can’t keep up with the constant drama. I miss your videos that gave fishing tips and focused on angling. I love you Randy, been a fan since I was a little kid, still a fan, but I’m going to be unfollowing simply so I can focus on angling and not the drama.

  15. Peoples attention span lowered and now people want to watch 5 min videos instead of these 30/60 min fishing youtube videos. To save time I search specific videos and topics instead of just scrolling down my sub list.

  16. Randy, I'm old school and don't lean into flash and glitter. I enjoy your platform pretty much as is. Mental Mondays sometimes give me food for thought, more often it gives me comfort in knowing I'm in good company. Tips and tricks over my own 58yrs are pretty close to your own. You though have come up with some gems I've adopted. The environmental issues and the state of our lakes should be on everyone's scope across U-tub but isn't! Jerry Springer and other brain mush isn't on my list of things to focus on. The wife will watch Saturday Night Live… it's dribble! Live Scope, I agree it's only real use is to those who can't find fish on their own!!! Knots, reels, line and retrieves aren't glamorous but important in our world of angling. Woke and glitzy sites may be here today yet gone tomorrow. Carnival Barkers and car salesmen with their dog & pony shows get passed by me, I look for the meat & potatoes like your site puts out.

  17. I agree that the diversity of content is good. What I really like about your channel is the thoughtfulness you put into each video – on controversial topics you have thought through and acknowledge multiple points of view while still making your point, on technique videos you teach the technique – the bait, where / when to fish it, how to fish it. There is something to learn from your videos. The things that turn me off of fishing videos (in general) is the degree of commercialization. I understand it is a part of making a living, but… there are personalities that turn their videos into infomercials and there is a point that pushing a product diminishes the credibility of the person making the video. I’ve watched Tactical Bassin’ for years, and they have associations with Tackle Warehouse, Dirty Jigs, River2Sea, etc. I think they kept up interest by moving to another part of the country, which was good for content, but I also notice a higher degree of commercialization over the past couple of years. To me, their roots were being very good at teaching the technique – same with your videos (and Matt and Johnny, too). Stay good at that!

  18. Im here to hear whatever you feel is important for other anglers to know. I personally am not as interested in tournament fishing, but im not against hearing you speak about it. I wouldnt mind content on fishing for other species every now and then, but im sticking around either way. I really appreciate what Ive learned here

  19. new channels like you said, podcasts, clickbait titles. Dillution really. People are talking about the exact same things. Like you said — time commitments. Also, people want to see people fishing and not talking about the same topics as everyone else. Until someone comes up with something unique, with the right personality, things will level off for a while. You mentioned burnout — yes. People know HOW to do stuff but a lot of people dont understand the WHY. hope that helps

  20. I think because of coof alot people went to sport of fishing as their entertainment. Now that the pandi is over, you are going to see people shift to something else. It peaked, and now you are in the trough. Personally, I like the videos where you are demonstrating on the water. You can learn about stuff just from listening, but you'll learn more by seeing it in action. I would like to see you bring on guests when possible and have a discussion on whatever topic you have for that video.

  21. Randy, my opinion on all these fishing videos if I turn one on and I hear this screaming guitar in the beginning, I immediately turned it off that’s not what I’m looking for. I’m looking for videos like yours, Rolands Jimmy’s, Matt Stefan, Matt Allen, Tim Little. Fish the moment the informative videos something I can listen and learn from respectable knowledgeable people like yourself keep up the good work.

  22. Your one of the few channels I can learn from, just simple good ole fashioned knowledge and experience over decades of the ever changing bass fishing world, it’s honestly impressive that some guys have stayed very relevant in the game for 30+ years like yourself, if nothing else it deserves respect at the least

  23. Randy great video as always.
    I’m old school and not a fan of LS fishing so the channels I used to watch were the teachers of the sport but once they went to LS I stopped watching, too boring, give me an old video of Charlie Campbell walking a spook around a stump and you have my attention

  24. Your fish instruction is great don’t change that but may I suggest consider Making those for certain day releases. Then make videos on your expertise in applying for each tournament, qualifying for entry, how to research that lake. What to expect when you get there. The expenses, Then the tournament day fishing like you do just expand. I don’t agree it’s giving up secrets but is answering the mysteries of how to join the tournament trail which I feel is not addressed as much.

  25. I totally agree. The thing I try to do on my channel [started 2013]is to pass along tips and educate people who mostly have started fishing recently. I used to get tons of views but now I think that the saturation of other social media platforms has watered down the educational side of it. When you can see a short video and see what lure people are using and the way it’s fished, the educational content is gone for a long view video as before. Thank you for your insights!!

  26. I don't usually watch podcasts. I don't have time and quickly lose interest. They are boring and lack instructive content. Most of the fishing channels on YouTube are the same. Too long, inundated with lengthy commercials, and not interesting.

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