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Guys…I’m At A Loss On THIS One…Need Your Opinion…

Randy asked his viewers for opinion on an issue he’s dealing with…#bassmasters #fishingequipment #fishinggear #bassfishing #fishing #angling #angler

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  1. I wish I got paid to watch videos 😂. I got no advice for ya but I watch a bunch of your stuff and that’s about all I got.. peace and hope to hear about your boat purchase and tournament tour stories..

  2. Hey Randy, I have not got a lot of time to surf many other fishing videos, besides the fact that they contradict themselves. You are my mainstay as far as what I have learned about fishing. Unlike most I want to get the knowledge and not feel intimidated by watching you catch the 4 pounder. As for your opinion videos I can agree that they are entertaining. The peoples that don't like your opinion videos are those that cannot acknowledge that a difference of opinion is a good thing not a bad. You have a good range of fishing to opinion videos. Just do what you need to do to make a living. Keep up the good fight.

  3. I’ve owned 7 channels for the past almost decade and that’s about half of my entire business. I’ve learned that “negativity” sells FAR better than anything else. Complaining about FFS, although isn’t a bad thing, gets people riled up and forces the click. It’s the unfortunate truth. Controversy = 💰 here. I used to tap into that gold mine, but personally stay away now. Keep making whatever content is important to you

  4. Randy . You’re over thinking it brother. Do what you want to do. I see no issue with both fishing and opinion videos. You don’t need to cater to anyone

  5. Keep doing both. It's how you will always stay grounded and connected to the average angler looking to go hog snatching. That being said I think your opinion videos are actually much more impactful. You happen to be a voice of reason and a beacon of hope for environmental causes and the tradition of the sport. Like you always say Randy, you have to fight the good fight. So don't stop making opinion videos I think they're important and it's obvious that people want to watch them not for controversy but I think because they want to know that there's an ally in you. A lot of anglers do think the way that you do But speaking up gets them ostracized or look down upon. I honestly think that your opinion videos are going to do more for the sport than anything else that you've ever done in your career. I think it will be the legacy that you will leave behind for generations to come. I hope that someday we look back on your videos and the things that you have said years from now when it's all over and say that Randy was a guardian for the tradition of the sport of bass fishing.

  6. Viewed content is relative to the viewer only. I’m interested in everything you highlight as a topic out of respect to you and your knowledge, experience, wisdom, and general interest of the sport.
    Stay awesome! 🤟

  7. I watch ALL your videos Randy. The first video was a road to every video. We have the same views and opinions on things as well. To me the title of the video means a little however I still watch all because of the veteran tips included that can benefit myself as a Co angler. Keep doing the 3 channels and keep that PMA!

  8. Old saying ….. YOU WILL NEVER MAKE 100% OF THE PEOPLE HAPPY 100% OF THE TIME. Wife and I are 20-year retail small business owners, still in business. YOU are a small business owner of an entertainment YouTube channel. We have to make business decisions everyday concerning our product mix, what we buy to sell in our store. You have to make the same decisions based on what content you think will garner the most traffic and use of your affiliate links, those are your products. The only difference between us is we sell tangible products, whereas you sell viewership demand. Every decision we make on products is a visual every time we walk in the store. If we buy the blue widget package at a cost of $2,000 and the orange package at the same price to give our customers a choice, and then only sell $200 of the blue but had to reorder the orange, that tells us the orange is in more demand than blue. But every day we look at our $2,000 hanging on the blue wall, just hanging there, not doing much of anything for our bottom line. It's obvious you are sensitive to the comment section of your videos, and I'm not suggesting you completely disregard them, but view them with a grain of salt. Look at some of the giant channels in the YouTube fishing world realm and you will see very, very few personal/channel replies to their comment section, most especially replies leaning toward the negative comments. However, the channel is very successful. That is an indication to me that their emphasis is on producing content and not editorialization and fixation on the comment section. You are well aware of these channels without me calling them out for you. Look at the numbers you were garnering prior to your rightful fixation on FFS and my guess is your viewership increased. Your thoughts and opinions on FFS are spot on and as a result of you and many others who have brought the topic to center stage there is no doubt it will eventually be banned, not by the supposedly "pro" fishing tournaments because of the hundreds of thousands of dollars the manufacturers are pumping into the pockets of the organizers, but by individual state governments, just as what was rightfully done decades and decades ago when night hunting with lights took center stage. There is no sport in either spotting game at night with a high-powered light source or spotting fish in daylight with modern day image sensors (transducers). As the states begin banning the technology this will in turn give the "pro" tournament organizers plausible deniability for disallowing the technology in their events. Stay away from the comments, focus on your content and increasing your technical production, I think you will be happier. I've been watching for "free" for some time, but I am subbing to provide support for you and your channel.

  9. My opinion take it or leave it, your supported by hobby fisherman not experts. It's a trend so do what you need to do to pay bills but know at the end of the day the videos that really matter are the ones trying to learn. I also understand we live in a drama gets views world smh.

  10. So based on your own data, you can see in a microcosm why media outlets prefer controversial topics in interject so much at tutorial in their shows. That’s why there is so much “fake news”.

  11. You have created a lane all your own and appears that you are doing well at it, please, keep up the mix. I really respect your tips because I think you have probably forgot more about the craft than most people will ever know. You do a really great job at all of it. Blessings to you sir and to your family.

  12. I’m guessing the people who determine tournament rules understand your predicament. Should they go back to the basics that made them great or should they do more of the things that make them the most money today?

  13. Nobody has done anything on reel bearings. Lot of claims, materials, differences in cost. Your thoughts on what and when would be appreciated! Any game changer ideas for turning a $ reel into $$$ reel with just exchanging parts!
    Thanks Randy.

  14. Like any business, some products produce more than others. Saw a great line in a movie about Gucci, the wife played by Gaga was upset that knockoffs were being sold and the uncle said, so we do not make as much on the knockoffs but they are still Gucci. The point being, as long as they made money, who cares. Whats the harm. That is the point here, some content is less productive but as long as it continues to produce, whats the harm. Point being, eventually more folks will watch the older content which will continue to pay dividends. A snowball rolling down hill so to speak.

    Politics has enough platforms and may result in the loss of many subscribers but your viewership would likely explode. I would create a completely separate channel to prevent any cross contamination.

  15. I still like your opinion videos, as I have the same view as you do. I am retiring the end of the year after a career of 33 years as a fish biologist. Everything you talk about in your opinion pieces is dead on in my view.

  16. My opinion: Nothin on earth more boring than some guy looking at a camera talking. For your opinion videos, I watch a few seconds to see if there's going to be any fishing or tips and then I move on. Some of your opinion videos come off as kind of know-it-all. The one defending the pro who got into it with a local is an example. Nobody owns the entire lake. Also I don't think many people watch your tournament talk videos because not that many people pay serious attantion to the tournaments. I'm one of the few Bassmaster subscribers left and even I don't pay that much to the tournament. The things I read in the magazine tend to focus on tackle and tactics.

  17. I like the videos based around the philosophy of fishing. Personally I don't give a rats ass about whats going on in pro fishing. I don't watch it or follow it. But hey drama sells.

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