I decided to mix it up in the video and drop shot some gummy worms while fishing a bass tournament against Lake Fork Guy. Such a great time fishing in Texas. I hope you guys enjoy the tournament video!
Check these dudes out…
Lake Fork Guy – http://bit.ly/2hwVmeI
Fish Whisperer – http://bit.ly/2irhAv4
Justin Stokes – http://bit.ly/2hO60JN
Grant – http://bit.ly/2htIO69
Charlie – http://bit.ly/2htKwV3
Jake – http://bit.ly/2hOdJaQ
If you enjoyed this bass fishing tournament make sure to hit the LIKE button, leave a COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE for more awesome fishing content! Thanks for watching!!!
AFO Gummy Worm: http://bit.ly/2dPz6ef
Rod: http://bit.ly/2iIUzDm
Reel: http://bit.ly/2ihXuGo
►Filming Gear:
GoPro: http://amzn.to/29dN2Zz
Vlogging Camera: http://amzn.to/28Wvrsh
GoPro Mic:http://amzn.to/28X5GGE
Chest Mount: http://amzn.to/290TRRk
Vlogging Camera Tripod: http://amzn.to/28XGRJt
Editing Computer: http://amzn.to/2927kan
Sd Card: http://amzn.to/2a3gSCJ
Big Tripod: http://amzn.to/2a9NXNk
Drone: http://amzn.to/2gVitym
► Music: All I Need – Valesco
►Send Fan Mail Here→ Andrew Flair P.O. Box 8 Boystown, NE 68010
► BUY AFO GEAR → http://bit.ly/29pPwYd
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► SNAPCHAT: aflair430
► PERISCOPE: @FishinWithFlair
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► INSTAGRAM: Fishing_with_Flair http://bit.ly/29pPNKN
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► UNBOXINGS → http://bit.ly/29F40TA
► BASS FISHING ON A BUDGET → http://bit.ly/29r2n8S
► ROD AND REEL ARSENALS → http://bit.ly/29w42Po
Bro he’s changed so much
Here they are catching fish like its nothing and i sit with 2 poles whole day at the water and dont even get a bite lol
you had no watch
I went there
I'm fishing with gummy worm
I have a Question, How to use the fishing pole you are using just got one like your I want to fish I don't know how to use it..
he cheaked the time with no watch BOI!
Baby face Peric
Bottom corner at 10:13
Good vid dude
Awesome vid!!.. if you guys wanna see me catch a musky on a gummy worm you guys should cheak out my channel!
When he was telling the time he didn't even have a watch on
7:15 Made me wet.
Going to meet in greet in Omaha on 26th!!!
When are the gummynworms
Lol hA hA
I live in Austen i go to buckey
2:17 is what you guys came for
rain drop drop top andrew flair will never make it to the top, jk hes awesome
U messed up the video at the end of 15 minutes there's extra clip in there
Since I started watching your videos, I name all the fish I catch. Credit goes to you though.
1:54 he didn't have a watch??

Great vid Flair Smile More God Bless Stay Safe guys
Lol the link for the worm
1:57 he is looking at the time on his watch and sead the time but there is no watch

Though I meant
8:05 that hook set thoughts
If I had a dollar for every time you lost a fish
Rain drop drop top look at the worm on the drop shot please can I get a pack of them
1:55 how?!

I go to that buckks
someone in this tournament called flair frooty hah
you lose quite alot of fish, i think the laws of physics are againts you or something.
1:56 he has o watch
I been watching for 11 months and my nd is and two weeks can you send me a polo
That gas station was as big as my local Walmart

thanks for linking the EXCLUSIVE gummy worm bait aka a picture of Peric when he was like 13
If I get 2 hundred likes I will start a fishing channel
what lake in Austin??
You catch small fish
8:13 he changed his accent