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Thank you guys so much for all the support, I love you guys so much and I can’t wait to return… I’ll see you guys soon.




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  1. its okay we all now how you feel❤ This is not a goodbye i dont think i know that we will meet agin if you I know This is your dream for being a youtuber ❤ If you cant is okay but try dont give up❤ We are here for you❤️

  2. Take your time and do not rush man! Recalibrate yourself and get yourself right, taking ALL the time that you need! Mental health is paramount and just take each day as it comes and do not worry about anything else other than getting yourself right! Once that is good to go, then everything else will fall into place! Just know that you are cared for by SO many ppl and that those ppl appreciate the time and energy that you put into all of your work! Put yourself first and put on your own mask before worrying about anything else and I promise you will be back doing what you do at an even higher level than you already are! We all go through transitions in our lives and need help, we are pack animals ! Take care my man and see you on the flip side!!

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