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Fun Topwater Action – BIG BAY BLUEFISH – What's Fishing Gilbert Grape?

Fun Topwater Action – BIG BAY BLUEFISH – What’s Fishing Gilbert Grape? – Gilbert has a lot of responsibilities and I have none. Guess you can call me a loafer. When I get the chance, and Gilbert is free I take him fishing. He is pretty cool. Kinda a trip. Don’t really fish much and gets pesky fun nice. Kinda guy who just likes to see whats going on. Bluefish kinda spooked him with the snapping jaws and all but he’s ready to hit it up again. I let Gilbert Grape take a few casts but he’s the distracted type and went looking for creatures and crabs. Even took a dip while I was fishing in the cold water.


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  1. Great video Jerry, it will be another month for blues in Boston but I`m fishing with you in your videos. You should use a wing nut for your drag nut so you don`t need pliers. I was just thinking Dina and Gilbert are great to have around, you won`t have fishermen crowding you and you will always get a seat on the bus. Peace and brother love to you and all.

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