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Florida Everglades Topwater Bass Fishing with WILD ALLIGATORS!!
The water is on the rise in the Florida everglades and the topwater bite is going off. Steady bass and alligator footage from the Florida Everglades with Capt. Shane.


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  1. It kinda looks like you are wanting to have some fun with the gators…. LOL :-9 And nevermind that you are a true DIE HARD fisherman, fishing with lightning and in the rain holding a fishing rod that could be a perfect lightning rod. But who am I to speak??? I went fishing with my younger brother while Hurricane Irma was getting ready to tear through the Tampa area. You can also see that the water level raised as you were fishing throughout this vid. Great video and look forward now to getting a line wet with you once again in the late spring of 2019.

  2. I love these videos Captain Shane your video the top-notch even from six years ago by far the best fishing videos on YouTube thank you Sir….. and I’m Mr.Ray just changed my name.

  3. I have a phobia of gators so I really enjoy watching your gator vids. I would really like to get into bass fishing but in Houston any fresh water would have little bass and a lotta gators.

  4. Hahaha…your a nut bro. Love this vid and most of the rest. Fishing in t-storms is where i landed my 14.3lb in the California delta but instead of the crazy gators, we have sea lions that are also fed protected. Dont think i havn't cursed at a few though. Keep up the vids and always have fun.
    Tightlines bass club…

  5. Just read your comment on federal reserve man! I tell you if one came at me to attack son id have some gooood jerky for the next trip i made to the honey hole:)

  6. Love all the bass…….in fact I love all wildlife….but ya'll have a gator problem down there….way too many IMHO………….they need to allow more alligator trapping or hunting.

  7. That was great.  A perfect fishin' hole for old people like me.  That's OKAY about the sound,  Everyone who gets a GroPro secretly is trying to become a movie star and really, we don't want to hear the jibba-jabba anyway.

  8. I have only fished in florida once on small ponds that produce small fish. But while I was fishing a small gator was sleeping no more than a foot away from me. As a northerner it freaked me out a little bit. But it never bothered me. Or moved much at all for that matter.

  9. I always wanted to do some freshwater fishing in florida was just curious are alligators a serious threat to you while fishing or do they tend to keep there distance if you keep yours

  10. Cap 'n Shane, I missed these videos.  It's straight recording and fishing! Are you ever going to do anymore videos like these?  Also love the one where the gator took your Rapala!

  11. Hey Cap, ever fish the St. Johns River??  I never seen a video yet.  If not, sounds like a road trip to me! We in Missouri don't allow gator in the Mississippi! We have to watch out for Freshies!

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