Go Fishing

Fishtory Repeats Itself – Virginia Beach Bass Fishing

These fish don’t care about my/our feelings. I have no doubt there’s bigs in there. I do have doubt my usual tactics will get them out from wherever they are hiding. Left the Wacky in the bag but had to bring the Speedy-C’s and Ned setup out on this trip. Creature Buzz got yapped at twice (that I know of) but they didn’t get the hooks. My camera work was sloppy on this day as well; even missed a whole fish catching sequence because I didn’t turn it back on after the previous catch footage was logged. Either way you slice it, there’s bites to be had, but I’m still seeking that big one that’ll change my life and subscriber count for the better.

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#bassfishing #kayakfishing #texasrig


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. I know this is an old vid but I recently moved to VB and starting to learn to kayak fish. What body of water is that and is there a public area to launch or is it private?

  2. Very entertaining stuff man! I swear every good fish I have on the end of my line comes off somehow I blame the go pro! I have also tested this and when I don't take the go pro I catch the best stuff!

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