Kevin VanDam finds some of the first open water in Michigan to test out his #fishing gear, electronics for the new fishing season. Fine tuning your @nitroboats , @MinnKotaMotors setup, and fishing electronics. Some pointers and lessons on the new gear, including how to read the new #xplore 12’s with #MegaLive from @HumminbirdTV . Spend a day on the prespawn waters with KVD and catch a few fish at the same time. Find out why the @StrikeKingLure #BabyZToo can catch them in any water or conditions.
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3X Baby Z-Too Soft Jerkbait:
For all your bass fishing and outdoor sports needs:
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More KVD:
“Kevin VanDam heads out as the ice clears to do some ice out fishing in March. Fine tuning his gear and testing and giving you some pointers on his fishing electronics.”
this video is primarily about :
1. ice out fishing
2. cold water fishing
3. prespawn fishing
4. early season fishing
5. baby z too
6. bass fishing
7. catching bass
8. march fishing
9. fishing in march
10. catching big bass
Kvd hits the water they jump in the boat! Gd down to earth guy.
I'll Def be hitting the open water this weekend, it been about 7 days since all the ice is gone, should be chomping that baby z too
I am hitting PawnPaw tomorrow
Byron’s the MAN!!