ca aquaduct striper fishing ca delta bass fishing delta mendota striper fishing don pedro bass fishing lake mcclure bas fishing lake pardee bass fishing lake pardee trout fishing lake shasta bass fishing march ca delta fishing report new Melones bass fishing pardee reservoir bank fishing pardee reservoir bass fishing pardee reservoir trout fishing pine flat lake bass fishing san joaquin river bass fishing san joaquin river striper fishing winter fishing tips
Why are you live welling your fish?
How was the inspection, we keep having small amounts of water in our bow. Is there a way you got it out or did they let it go?
New boat? I don’t recognize your boat. Did I miss a video?
I could swear I was hearing ed bassmaster pshh!!!!!! pshh!!! Pshh! Lol great vid buddy
What’s the deal with the dog sniffing
Did they make you show a boater safety card? Also if so are they saying anything about not letting you out if you don’t have one? Also what was the deal with the dog sniffing? Sorry for all the questions 😆 just want to know what to expect when I head out there. Great looking Stratos! Thanks dude, great content as always 🤙
when i fish at lake pardee,some fishermen complain about suck to see people take the bass out 🙁
Hi frey