battle shad best glide baits best swimbait gear big bass big glide bait fishing big swimbait fishing desert basin DesertBassin drt ghost drt joker drt joy thief DRT Klash 9 drt klash 9 anodes drt swimbaits drt tiny klash drtusa fishing with swimbaits how to fish a big swimbait how to throw a glide bait jon boat to bass boat klash 9 lake pleasant arizona lake pleasant fishing oakum guide select Swimbait fishing swimbait fishing arizona swimbaits24 51 Less than a minute
Great video.. cant wait to get out and fish Pleasent. Winter fishing the Strippers.
Nice fish
Hey man, thanks for treating the fish decently when you released them! Great video! I subscribed!!
Was able to make it out to pleasant a few summer days and caught a few Lm on my Kayak. Really want to get a job boat like yours. That a sweet set up, doesn’t cost a arm and a leg and you don’t need some monster truck to tow it.
Man, I wish I knew how to catch fish at lake pleasant! I've gone kayak fishing 4 times for a few hours with no luck! Lol
What the hell! I never catch fish like that at pleasant. Great video man it gives me motivation to try new baits.
Keep making them live out here by the I 17 good luck
I live in Chandler and have no idea where the food fishing spots are. Any advise?
Nice multi species action ! I only managed to get on largemouth today with my buddy Ryan !
I caught a 14lb channel cat flipping a tree with a jig at Alamo
That first hit…

That catfish slammed that swim bait! I thought for sure it was a striper t-boning that thing full speed. Lol
Casting transitions was siqqqq as hell
Quality video my guy! I dig the big bait content!
Would a 7'5" MH rod be enough to throw those suckers? Seems a bit light to me idk. Would love to get into larger swim baits.
Love it brother keep it up .. looking forward to the next.
Yet another rad video from DesertBassin! Ready for the next 100%
Y don’t you take me fishing with u ?
nice trifecta ! i caught a cat at Patagonia on a grasshopper top bait. cool when it happens.
Swimbaits only hell freakin yeah!!!
Another sick video man! I gotta try pleasant soon, Got me hyped to fish it!
Nice video. Hard place to catch fish.
Could you give me the names of the swim baits you used the klash and sneaky pete? Thx great video as always