Fishing at night for big jewfish!
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*Fishing Gear*
Rod – TT Black Mamba 4-8kg –
Reel – Okuma ITX Carbon 4000 –
Platypus Braid –
Platypus Leader –
Z-Man Paddle Tails –
TT Jigheads –
Any Sunday with a Nev's fishing video is a brilliant Sunday. Never change mate
What sent do you use on your lures?
Please more night fishing
Nice video nev!
Great vid mate!
Makes sense to hunt for silver ghosts at night
. Nice session, glad you aren’t mad enough to go offshore after dark, or are you?
No Nev, those fish probably aren't self breeding. My son is responsible for stocking the rivers and estuaries of NSW with Jewfish. They have realised many thousands of fish over the last 2 years you are simply the beneficiary of their good work.
love these jewfish videos Nev! nice switch up with the night time video!
Nice Nev , doesn’t matter the size of the silver all them fish were legal size once ,thanks again .
Mate I absolutely love all your videos amazing stuff mate keep it up
Hey Nev, what jighead do you use on those big diezel minnows?
What knob Handel do you have on the reel, and feel the good work up
I love the videos man
Enjoyed the night sesh Nev ..keep ‘em coming !
Good stuff thanks mate
Awesome Nev,keep,the night action coming….what size was your jig head in the 5” plastic.?
Yes more night and camp cook videos please.
Love the jewfish bro!!
Another great vid, just one quick suggestion does your camera have a night view
wow hectic video! keep it up nev
No nav lights needed?
Stay safe.
Nice session Nev. Have you thought about a red filter for your light ? Won't spook fish and will give you some vision..
Hey Nev love your vids, just wondering what pound braid and leader you use.
Catch and cook
babe wake up Nevs fishing uploaded
Any chance of some more land based videos some time Nev?
Makes my weekend way better
every sunday is only good coz nev posts keep it up, also any tips for catching jewies never reallly fished for them but i would love to