In this one I show some ways to break down your own body of water to catch Spring bass! I got on my first Fish of 24! Followed up by my first Smallmouth of 24! Solid first 2 days of the season!
#Mainestreamfishing #6thsensefishing #bankfishing #howto
#angler #bassfishing #bassfishingdaily #bassfishingismylife #bassfishinglures #bassfishingnation #bassfishingvideo #bassmaster #bigbass #catchandrelease #fish #fishing #fishingaddict #fishingdaily #fishingislife #fishinglife #fishinglures #FyPage#Kayakbassfishing #KBF #KVB #largemouth #largemouthbass #largemouthbassfishing #shimano #smallmouth #smallmouthbass #tightlines
Great start Jermaine! Thanks for sharing this buddy! Go get em my friend!
Solid start to the season! Those damn slimedarts are lure stealing machines!! I’m still searching for my first smallie of the year . They’re being uncooperative so far
Maybe I should be singing during each retrieve? Nice way to start the season
Great fish to start the year! I’ve been playing the numbers game up until this week I put a few good ones in the kayak!
I am proud, buddy! And I'm honoured that you thought of me while you were fishing.
Hey, Jermaine. Pretty water