I’m today’s video, my exotic african cichlid fish had TONS of babies! We extracted them from the mothers mouth and put them in our new fountain pond! I also feed ALL of my fish in my ponds and tanks, and update you all on our awesome new largemouth bass, oscar fish, and pacu we recently caught!
⏹Brandon’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWTAQ87D1sYHVPWI5Bh6Wug
⏹Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bassfishingproductions/
⏹TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bassfishingproductions?enter_from=pc&source=h5_m
⏹Business email: bassfishermanguy@gmail.com
Just to let you guys know, I just started digging my biggest pond yet! Going to be absolutely huge and amazing, first video on it coming soon🔥🙌
I counted 17
thar are 17 baybes to 19
You truly can tell that you love your animals!
13 14 idk man
Bruce…is the coolest Fish. I remember him checking out the Snapping Turtle.
theres 17 babies
18 babies fish
Did he actually just put some baby cichlids in a bird bath lol
I chase lizards around forever and can never catch them and there you are snatching them like nothing… Lightning lizard 🦎 grab!
15 babys
Said you're feeding them fish them lizards that's not right if I ever seen you boy I would whoop your you know what cuz I don't like it that's cruelty the animals
17 fishies
Fuckkk yeah!!! love ur videos❤️
When your Jaguar gets a little bit bigger it’s gonna kill the African Cichlids
There are 17 babies
Awesome video bro love it
Your orange mama cichlid is a nymphomaniac.