In today’s video we hit the Fox River in search of some BIG Smallmouth Bass… we got some solid ones in the boat!
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#bassfishing #foxriver #riverfishing
Bait caster
Nice to see some fish from that stretch. Used to fish cats a lot up that way
Dude I wish I had a boat to get on some water
. Illinois fishing is rough from shore right now. Especially at unknown ponds and rivers, and even worse at pressured places like Busse. Great video man, bless up
Pls pick me for the five away i only have a spinning reel
Bait Caster
Baitcaster plz
are you going to give it away
what time are you giving it away
Good luck to everyone on the baitcaster
Did you give away the baitcaster yet ??
baitcaster plz
comment on alot of your videos and cant afford one
BAITCASTER I can’t afford a real but I bought a rod and now I can’t get a reel
Baitcaster, love the tik toks
Bait caster
bait caster we have been talking to u on insta for a min now as yk i do need one ill even do a trade with u if u want thank you for makeing good content
(Baitcaster )btw I loved the vid
Baitcaster baby