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Exploring New Waters-Early Spring Bass Fishing

A little quick bank session with Tim. Just exploring a part of Eastman Lake that i have never fished. Seen a lot of stuff i liked but the bass did not seem to be around. Found an area that looked really fishy and was able to stick a good one on a TSG-9″.


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Hate to tell you, snakes like the early spring weather too. When it's hot in the Summer, they're primarily nocturnal, avoiding the heat of the day. They're most commonly found basking during the day in the months of March and April. Once it's over 90 degrees, they're only coming out at night.

  2. I do a ton of big swimbait bank fishing for bass and man you nailed it when you said it’s more rewarding catching them big large jaws from the bank. I also fish from a kayak but I love watching them big girls eat inches from my toes 🤙🏾

  3. im only givong this spot up soley yo the fact that im not a californian. but i did work for 3 yrs over there. so got to feather river rv, in oroville and fish for stripers. not very many but the ones i found were tanks easily 20 plus pound fish

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