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Everyone Will Be Buying These from BASS PRO after Seeing THIS!

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  1. Great fishing buddy…if you like the Halco poppers try their RMG Scorpion hard body lures they are amazing great Aussie tackle company from here down under.
    RMG lures were bought out by Halco & now manufactured by Halco.

  2. Good information on the gear. Can you do an updated video for gear that beginners can look into? Maybe all the needed gear to get started including rods and reels for $150 or less?

  3. Thank You πŸ™ for the tackle advice – I got a 10 foot Penn Battle III 8000 with 25 pound mono – sounds like I really messed up the line I picked out. I just subscribed to your channel.

  4. Bass Pro sure has a lot of products for fishing and hunting. The only thing that kind of turned me off the last time I shopped at their store in Destin, Fl was that they only gave the 5% military discount to selected cheaper items. Dicks Sporting Goods gave me 10% on all the items that I bought so that is where I’m shopping now.

  5. Sounds crazy but I've always had fantastic results with white or chartreuse double jig tails. The body about 2.5" long before it goes into the curls on both sides. If you held the body facing down the 2 sides would look like you're making a "heart" shape. I walk in waist high water and walk up and down the beach with a 6'6" -7'6" medium rod , 12 lb test no steel leader but if you want use a mono leader. Cast parallel but into deeper water so you are between your lure and the beach.
    I've caught a few reds that way.
    Sure fire fishing in Sanibel Captiva

  6. I just recently retired and worked 30 years as a conductor engineer I totally years of 40 with the Alaska Railroad. I did a lot of fishing there bring a lot of salmon and halibut in my freezer here in North Carolina and I’ve been following your family’s videos which by the way I think is freaking amazing but I would love it if you would add me to your email chain or list.

  7. From a west coast beach bum, that sure looks like a powerful fish, and a beauty too! And from the partial view of the Sun setting in the west, I get the impression we're in.. Florida?

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