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DQ’s/Polygraph’s/Fights…Bassmaster Elite Series Livescopers Benefit On The St. Lawrence River…

Randy talks about some recent events at the Bassmaster tournament on the St. Lawrence River last week…#bassmasters #bassfishing #fishing #bassmasterfishing2022 #sportfishing #bassmastereliteseries #fish

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  1. Randy, back in those days when you first started, the Pros had respect for one another and helped one another as I watched all of it. The fellowship you guys had then made me want to be a bass pro. Now it is totally different. It is brutal. Dog eat dog type. I don't even watch it any more. The cheater box is out there and I don't think it is going away. Our fisheries are coming to an end in a few short years. That is what I think.

  2. All the extra tech needs to get banned. No live scopes all that sonar banned! Just good old fashioned skills… a boat, tackle box, fishing poles and knowledge. Everything else is banned if you need all that tech to fish then you’re not a pro. You’re just a pay to play noobie! Honestly 🤷

  3. didnt jt run 102 miles to his spot…if so he must of felt strong about that spot considering the million fish he ran by that he couldve seen using ffs…stupid if u ask me wasting all that time running there and back

  4. How did you allow two brothers to fish the same tournament? You know they are going to help each other – Even if they have to use unethical means- Ethics means you have a sense of right or wrong- Illegal means breaking a law or rule- Remember the saying Blood is thicker than water- Pun intended!!

  5. Sadly I have turned that garbage off and will not be tuning back until there are some changes made. I refuse to watch guys that rely on a unit that tells them exactly where the bass are and they can watch em live time on how they are reacting to the bait. That is not bass fishing that is cheating. IDGAS who says its ok and this is just the new way…..if it is the new way then Bass is on down the highway as far as im concerned………Rant over 😆😆😆

  6. B.A.S.S. is in shambles.
    I used to marvel at the abilities of Denny Brauer, Rick Clunn, David Fritts, Parker, Martin etc. They were hammers who would punish you. Now, a student of the art of angling like myself might just dominate the BASS AOY if his Livescope failed. It's a joke. Do these guys even know how to catch bass without it? BASS is a joke and the Johnston's are weak anglers.

  7. Plain and simple there is no spot on a public lake that belongs to any one. If someone is fishing in a spot you want to fish be a gentlemen and move on to another spot. But the minute they leave that spot anyone who wants to fish there is dead in there rights to fish there. And it would not end well for someone to pull up to me and say that they owned that spot. It doesn't seem to be that much of a deal with the weekend non tournament fisherman. Its these dang people that call there self , pros that the entitlement seems to kick in. Remember PROS when you travel out of your home town to fish a lake you are a GUEST that means you have respect for the people that fish that lake every week unlike you. Its amazing at the bad name the prose and tournament fisherman have given this sport. GROW UP AND BE AN ADULT or stay at home.

  8. I can’t remember a person complain about something as much as Randy. Complaining about technology while using a cellphone, posting videos to YouTube. If you could still compete, my guess is you would not complain.

  9. I’m sorry did you just say livescope is Cory Johnson’s umbilical cord? Randy come on man, you know good and well either one of those boys can catch them however with whatever. I get it with Thompkins and then maybe… but NEITHER of the brothers need that. That may be the most ignorant thing you’ve said honestly

  10. Ray Scott was the Man. And Forest Wood.. the sport has never been the same. Clunn is done and Zona is done. Lots of change and honestly not for the better..

  11. The tournament organizations deserve every bit of drama that has been happening. They care nothing for the anglers. It’s all about profits for them. It’s been like this since Ray Scott sold it. I was a victim of the poorly/disgracefully run BASS organization too. They sweep it all under the rug to save face and leave the innocent anglers out to dry with the guilty ones while doing nothing. Pathetic!

  12. Did they even have the internet when Randy was a competitive tournament fisherman?
    It's hard to accept when you're 60- 78.. that you're no longer the future of the sport… Some people move on with class like the great Rick Clunn..

  13. I started back fishing this year after being away from the river for several years. Same stuff I used 15 years ago still works. Worm, crank bait, spinner bait, etc. These guys couldn’t catch a Bream without sonar.

  14. Younger Entitled children who've been spoiled by mommy & Daddy their whole lives that can't stay off the internet & online media and most couldn't make it playing video games at home some parents money bought them all they need to go fishing.. Yup sad, sad little cry baby's & no one own's any body of water, 1st come 1st serve fishing spot & cry some more.. 100% pat of the reason I left professional fishing. Good luck have fun & hate to say it but these young lil baby's gonna ruin the sport, Bet it's a gr8 reason why so many ole timers leaving!

  15. johnston to gee to any of them in bass mlf and npfl




    men can talk without blows

    sad to see

  16. The spot arguments this tournament were about spot ownership based on tournaments in the past history! Finding fish in practice and during the tournament are one thing- but 'owning a spot' from years past is getting ridiculous.

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