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Dang Guys…I Really Messed Up On This One…

Randy talks about a couple of videos that really flopped on him…#bassfishing #bass #angler #fishing #fish #fishinglife #fishingtrip #catchandrelease #fishingdaily

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  1. Damn just now realize i have never seen you actually fish on here. All you do is just talk about Fishing but never shows us if it works. I mean at least Milliken talks and films it to back it up.

  2. I enjoy the buyer guide videos that have things I haven’t used or don’t already own. If I come across a buyer’s guide video full of sponsored products or products that aren’t new then I lose interest. Most people that watch the buyer’s guide videos are avid anglers so they already have a boat full of senkos, and swimbaits and other proven products.

  3. Stay the course and continue being true to yourself. Is that your Silver Star in shadow Box over your right shoulder? Regardless of who earned it much respect and honor from an old vet 1970-1974

  4. I watch most videos. Not all, but most.

    I was a subscriber, then unsubscribed, mostly based on my perception of your negativity about technology, land development, and declination of fishing. It’s not that i disagree, just not the the stuff I want to watch when when I’m winding down for the evening.

    Thing is, I still watch, just not subscribed.

    You’re not asking. but like others, I would like to see an “on the water” once in a while.

    Your greatest value is something you reference quite a bit. It’s your years of experience and all the stories you have. Elaborate on those….maybe while you’re on the water with clients or fishing.

    You’re correct, I don’t care about best gifts or things to buy. I do like to see scenery on the water.

  5. Randy, I’ve been watching your videos for the last 3/4 years and subscribe to all your channels. You have helped me target and catch more fish in the last few years than all of my previous fishing years combined. I do not care about drama videos, live scope videos, controversy videos; none of these help me enjoy my time on the water. I hope you keep giving us the juice, but stop spilling so much tea.

  6. Randy, I appreciate all the content about preparing certain bates to catch more fish. I avoid the drama as much as possible. I only care about the fishing. You may get more feedback on the drama but the tips and tricks are what I love about your channel. I also like the fact you keep it short and sweet Thanks for all you do.

  7. As for buyer guides, I used to check them out, but got tired of feeling less like I was getting objective information and more like it was just sponsor plugs. Yes I do acknowledge it show many do that, But Id rather watch/li8sten to a here is some realistic options for XYZ this year. And give genuine options for varying budgets.

    Drama, I prefer to avoid. I like to know what is going on but that its. Short sweet and direct.

    As for techniques, you are correct there are tons of videos on how to do this or that. Me personally, I would rather receive information that is relative to my area of the country and season…but more importantly Id like to learn how to apply it too my bodies of water in various conditions. Something I feel a lot of informative videos forget. Most are do this and this and it will double bites, blah blah I'd rather hear for example, here is how you trim the jig skirt…show footage of various ways to trim and its effect under water, then discuss how to apply it under differing circumstances, post front, frontal, hot muddy, cold muddy, high skies, etc etc. Teach us how to actually learn about it not to become carbon copies.

    Give a man a fish he eats for a day, teach him to fish he will never go hungry. God bless and look forward to your next video.

  8. Although learning how to catch more fish is what I most enjoy about your channel, I'm almost embarrassed to say I can't resist the walleye cheaters or another pro has left the bass pro tour videos. Not suggesting that however.

  9. The product videos aren’t doing well because the sales sucked this year. I don’t think anyone likes this sale format TW has. Personally (I’m being serious here), I wanna see some Randy Blauket Challenge videos! Dollar General challenge. Gummy worm challenge. Great stuff!

  10. I’ve cut back on my viewing because I’m not fishing. Winter techniques need to be made for the parts of the country (and those few die hards locally) still on the water/on the banks.

    I’ll watch some of 2:12 some of the videos. I’m not doing buyers guide stuff because I’ve already got more stuff than I use.

    I’m taking a break from a sport I’m struggling with…small locial lake (I’m 2:12 guessing) gets way too much pressure.

    It’s amazing how much content you publish. Impressive! Keep it up. Even the buyers guide stuff could get more views when folks start getting back into the swing.

  11. Randy, I’ve seen you on Lynn Dollar channel that play some of your old Bassmaster and FLW tournaments at Westpoint, Bugs Island, thousand Island or the Classics down in Louisiana. Please break those down for us. It would be amazing to go down memory lane with you to hear your breakdown and preparation for each of those big tournaments, even what you found in practice. Thanks and God bless.

  12. Apparently after reading majority of these comments everyone just wants to be entertained. I have learned so much with your garage videos. I do not need someone to go out on the water fishing to learn anything technically I learn less watching people fish but when you give tips and advice I take it and involve it into my fishing and have become a lot better angler so thank you so much Randy. Keep up the garage videos because they’re awesome!!!…

  13. I have to admit, I would like to see more videos on the water. However, I really love to hear your stories about tournament beginnings, your heyday, and your ending! Please take us back to your preparation, your thoughts on your big tournament wins and defeats or shortcomings. I love to hear your interaction with other top pros whether it be positive or negative. I love the channel, keep doing what got you to this point and don’t worry about your haters!

  14. I would suggest two things you can improve on Randy:
    1. Do more on the water videos demonstrating techniques or explaining seasonal patterns.
    2. You’re not going to like this one, but stop being the “Old man yelling at clouds” when it comes to fishing technology. It’s fine to have your own opinions and it’s even OK to voice them. However, it turns people off when you keep bringing it up over and over.

  15. Hey Randy. I really enjoy 90% of your videos. I would love to see more on the water breakdowns of things, but I love the in-depth technique videos and fish behavior videos. I also really like your stuff with your plastics and jigs, because the brands you use, don’t break the bank. My problem with your hard bait videos is that they generally turn into a mega bass commercial, and I simply can’t afford a tacklebox full of mega bass. That’s kind of where you lose me. Not being critical just explaining my opinion. Thanks Randy.

  16. I would much rather listen to you talk about the technics you have learned over the year than watch somebody doing a video from their boat catching fish after fish and give very few tips on how they are catching them. Sometimes I think those guys are just showing off instead of trying to inform their fans.

  17. I enjoy the seasonal patterns videos more than others. One thing I'd like to see is this….. When you speak on bass moving in and out of creeks and stopping on certain places say during their spring migration, could you please use a map to show those particular type spots. You dont have to name the lake or show any "secret" spots, maybe use one of those paper maps we use to use before electronics took over. I think that would help people to visually see what your trying to convey.

  18. People just want to see what Blaukat is bitching about today. You have created this brand that is centered around negativity, and complaining every day about something. That is what your fans want to see. You made this bed, now go sleep in it.

  19. Hi Randy, s suggestion to improve your audio. Put up a curtain behind your camera to cut down on the echo effect of a large garage. Yes, your audio quality is poor. How about showing us some comparison videos of Megabass lures out performing their competition? I'd like to know more interesting Info about your sponsors. Thanks for your channel's content!

  20. Randy, please stay the course! Some of us want the “juice”! I don’t watch anybody’s Christmas gift ideas. I don’t mind knowing about the drama and hearing editorial one time, but it invariably gets rehashed ad nauseam. Maybe you could just hit it once and then move on?

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