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Complete How To: Swim Jig Bass Fishing Tips!!!

Here’s an in-depth how to for bass fishing with a swim jig! And it may take a little more time but be on the look out for more improved quality of camera work and editing on some videos! We are about to invest in some equipment and ya boy is going to school (pray for the teachers!!!) Thanks for watching!

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  1. One thing I learned about 6cents lures…
    They’re made to catch fishermen.
    I have a box in the garage full of 6cents lures that do nothing but catch dust. A magnificent waste of money 🤬

  2. I picked up some 6th sense swimjigs and out of the pack, the weed guard seems to have so much gap between the hook and the weed guard. That makes my confidence go down so much because I feel like it's going to get hung up so much

  3. Sixth sense swimjigs aint very good with elaztech zman swimbaits, Googan or Strike king with wire keepers along with zman elaztech and you’ll catch em for days

  4. Sounded like a 12:38 commercial. I watched it all, and only thing I got from it was what Features your jigs offer. Some super basic tips added here and there like to cast it in water. Nothing worth the 12minutes in this video.

  5. A month at a time without changing a trailer…you must not fish much or catch many fish….or you think we're stupid..either way doesn't bode well for you……but.. 6th sense jigs awesome

  6. Hey Your Lake Fork Guide, love the channel made sure to subscribe! Check out my bait company! let me know what you think, custom made balsa baits and soft plastics and some of the best tungsten prices on the market. Small company but looking for Pro-staffers and content creators to help us advertise. Try us out, if you like our baits let me know and we can work on some kind of sponsorship!

  7. MAN I went from always having at least one swim jig tied on every trip to rarely even thinking about it for some reason this year by Late summer when the bites got tough but since I picked it back up and it's been producing bites every trip like it always does

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