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Randy talks about co-anglers fishing with live scope users…#bassfishing #bass #angler #fishing #fish #fishingtrip #livescope

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  1. You can always throw a heavier weighted drop shot or shaky head if someone is scoping.and putting you in an unfair spot I wont cast over aomeone, and ill try my water in the back first but if its unproductive water then im saying hey man can i come up and cast with you? I wont cast over or directly in your spot but ill fish beside you. When the back i stick to the area from the console back thats my half if i wanna get up front ill ask. Luckily i have a good tournament partner and we usually fish different lures if hes on topwater im winding something sunsurface and vice versa. We mash really good together we both like shallow water and power fishing.

  2. Mr Blaukat, FFS is here to stay. The technology is only going to keep increasing. “Spotlighting” is illegal. FFS is not, nor will it be. The increase in sonar technology has not equated to a large influx of new bass fishermen, nor a Quantified! Decrease in fish populations.. You still have to know how to fish even after you find fish. I wish you would just move on.

  3. Another great technique for me throughout my years of fishing as a co-angler is the good ole Carolina rig. You can cast it a mile, get down to the fish fast, catch numbers and big ones. I normally like a 1/2oz. egg sinker for most situations. I like a 5 inch Zoom lizard, centipede or, my favorite, the baby brush hawg. Oh yeah, for our Arkansas waters, I like add chartreuse dye to the tails. The c-rig is simple but very deadly.

  4. It’s night and day difference when you get a boater that’s using FFS. It’s frustrating too when you’re rolling the dice on what boater you get. I know full well I’m not in it to win money when I sign up as a co angler, I want to observe and learn, but it’s frustrating when I wake up at the crack of dawn, spend $125 on gas getting to the lake, $75 to chip in for my boaters gas/launching fees, $150 on the tournament, and another $125 on gas getting back home to only spend the whole day on a community whole with a boater live scoping staring down the whole time. I’m not trying to complain since I know the boaters and co anglers that are driving further distances are paying way more with their fees, boat maintainance, and hotels if you have to get in town the night before. But the guys live scoping are so locked into their PlayStation video game on the front deck and you can’t learn a whole lot about fishing from those guys. I try to keep my questions for in between running to different spot to not be talking to spook fish and distract the boater from what they’re there for, to fish a tournament, but at a certain point it’s not even worth me dropping $450-600 to fish a co angler tournament and not even be able to watch what the boater is doing to absorb some knowledge or ask why the went out of their way to flip that piece of cover and get some tips from them when they aren’t using skill to fish. Again I don’t want to be ragging on the guys using it, but it’s getting difficult to drop almost a whole weeks pay on one tournament with a 75%-ish chance I’m going to get a guy scoping all day and not learn much. I don’t know if I’m the only guy that has this mindset, but when I first started trying co angler tournaments when FFS was very rare to see on boaters front decks, I learned so much more and had a blast just getting to fish with guys that had tons of knowledge that I wanted to absorb as much knowledge from watching and fishing with. And again I know it the boaters tournament, but at a certain point when I drop $500 that takes a whole weeks pay from my budget to not learn anything and just fishing, it’s gotten to the point that I’d rather just use that $500 for gas to take my Jon boat out to the lake another 10-12 days instead of spending it on fishing a co angler tourament where I likely won’t learn anything if the boater is using FFS. It wasn’t intentional by the boaters using FFS, and it’s not their job to teach me anything, they’re there to win a tournament, but it’s hard to keep fishing co angler tournaments when it’s gotten to the point that I can bet the house on it I’ll be with a boater staring at FFS 90% of the day

  5. I agree 💯 Randy, in my tournaments that I fish spinnerbaits I fish I do sometimes I do better than the guy up front my brother, so I get it, meaning fishing like you said, those who spot lighters, just don't get it.

  6. about the angle behind the boat, you're absolutely right. I used to bank fish a lot of rip rap.. I caught so many of my fish on casts where I turned around and threw my bait back along the bank I just fished only from the opposite direction.

  7. I’m not understanding all the people crying about people not wanting livescope. If you added tech that did all the work for you in any other sport it’s not allowed. Only thing I can think is livescope made it so rich guys and crap fisherman that couldn’t fish to save their life able to compete and now they don’t want to lose that. Grown men using bumpers bowling and then crying nobody is impressed by a strike or a big fish caught using video camera. It’s so pathetic that these Nancie’s call themselves men. So keep crying nobody respects nor should they respect lovescipe because it cheats the sport

  8. My co-angling experience is on Lakes St. Clair, Erie and the Detroit R. Ive been "back boated" and Ive been put in terrific positions. Ive even had Steve Daniel let me do follow up casts when he had a miss that he thought was smaller than what he had. If anything, I would think that FFS gives me lots of time to fish my 180* around the my boat half. If the pro is there, Id imagine that fish are as well. Only issue I could see is when pro sees a fish and turns boat haphazardly and now Im fishing "forward" all of the sudden…I was there first! lol

  9. Randy I watched a video of you yesterday getting a wake up call in a cheap hotel at 4:30 am on 80’s VHS quality THE BASS MASTERS series . You got dressed , pulled on your long basketball tube socks , made sure you shaved and grabbed your tackle box and rods and headed out the door. You looked like a coangler. 😊

  10. Randy,you hit the main items,it starts at meeting after the draw,time your going to meet,your launch time,be nice and decline launching the boat,saying you don't want the responsibility of his boat ,I don't mind parking, no more,tell him I understand the 180 rule,I will net,usually it starts fine,safety is everything I don't like going 75,some pros will kill themselves with speed fishing, if that's their choice,I use spinner bait,chatter or 3" swim on the 45 deg,if your blessed with a fineness slow speed pro,use everything in your bag,before I fully retired I experienced one live scope,it took about two minutes to see how that was going to go,their scoping a 100 ft in front of boat in a wide path,I threw a 6 in swim bait a 100 ft to the open water,medium slow retrieve, then the other side,there won't be anything in the middle,if you know co fishing as you know with all your experience it makes for a pretty good day,like shopping with the wife,communication,good topic.

  11. It wasn’t that long ago when it was Walmart, BFL and Redman. They would tell the Co Anglers in the pre-meeting. Hey if you think you’re getting fronted and have nowhere to fish let us know ! Nowadays I don’t even hear that it’s just the fish limit and what time to be in.

  12. 😂 I was like oh angler for a while and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna pay money just to pick up behind somebody I did not sneaking the shot that I’m not just gonna cast off the back of the boat all day you’re asking someone to waste money and pick up the anglers slop 😂 this isn’t 1980s anymore where real pros fish all the tournaments and I’ll be there I’m deaf. I was stuck with somebody and just fish the back of the boat the whole time that doesn’t happen.

  13. Complaining to the TD that you drew a live scoper and expect anything to happen except that you will get labeled as a “whiner” which all the pros will know who you are by the next day, well go right ahead with that strategy and let us know how it works out …😢😂

  14. So apparently Jacob Wheeler & Edwin Evers are not “real bass fisherman” according to you because they use FFS? That’s quite petty & childish of you. People who equate “different” with “wrong” are a big reason the US is in the trouble it is …

  15. If you don’t own a boat I guess I get spending thousands of dollars to fish out of the back of a pro’s boat and maybe catch some fish but if you do own a boat spending money as a Co doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense. For the same amount of money a Co spends on just one event I can hire a local guide to take me out 4 or 5 times and really learn my home waters. Just getting to fish with a “name” pro holds zero interest for me. I course I don’t waste time watching other people play sports either, especially fishing! I’ve never understood people who spend their limited time watching sports instead of participating in, particularly when it comes to fishing … I guess this is why Roland Martin gets $1,800 for a shiner trip here in Florida. And has no trouble being booked …

  16. I fished as a co-angler for years with the same partner. This makes it so easy because you know what the other is going to do. We shared the front deck most of the time and we shared his FFS. But mostly I used a jig or Carolina Rig. It wasn’t like being a back seater at all. But I also understand that swapping partners keeps down cheating also.

  17. I missed the study you referenced in title.
    Good advice to try, although hang up ratio goes up for most fishing behind the boat which I would think creates its own issues.

  18. Randy you are pretty dumb I can spot lock on a spot off shore are you going to say they need to get rid of spot lock also
    Why don't you try forward facing sonar then maybe you will see it's not as easy as you think

  19. This might sound crazy but before I got a boat I used to fish with a friend all the time and out of the back of the boat I would catch more fish than him and when I got my own boat I just can't seem to catch as many fish out of the front as I do the back when he's with me I put him in the front of my boat on the trolling motor and I'm fishing out the back catching fish where he's struggling.

  20. I’m a co angler even in buddy tournaments I fish the back my favorite lures swim bait spy bait shaky head and different jig styles from micro to swim to punching and hair jigs since I pour and tie my own jigs and I’ve wacked them beating my boater a few times keep up the great content

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