A once in a lifetime fish…caught on a swimbait…from the bank. What more can you ask for?! Seriously, this wouldn’t have been possible if it weren’t for all of the people mentioned in this video. Caleb (Bass Quest), Bryan Speller, the people on the shore, Dayton Boat Dock, FLW, the list goes on and on. I can’t express what a blessing this was, and appreciate all of you taking the time to watch this video!
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#BassFishing #Swimbait #Chickamauga
Absolutely gorgeous fish…. And a beautiful release… It was a monster..NOW SOME ONE ELSE WILL CATCH IT SOME DAY…

Very happy for you dude! That's so epic how you got to weigh her in!
Watching your older videos and
dude this was so epic! too bad u did have the footage but screw that is soooo epic
Wow!! Killer moment my Man!! Got to weigh her in on the FLW stage! Once in a lifetime catch!! I caught my PB this year on the Chick as well 8.2 on a Damiki Knock Out craw creature bait Texas rig. Amazing brother!!!
That’s dope…. The best thing about fishing Glide Baits is you get to see them eat it!!
Don’t underestimate the Savage gear glides and all the savage gee swim baits ,, the 185 is my absolute fav,, cheap bait amazing glide my only complaint is that it helicopters when you cast but a great bait for budget friendly swimbait beginners and a staple for experienced swimbait fishermen
That is so epic bro
Excellent video! Hate you lost some footage, but it still made for a great story!
Killer bass man. Heck yeah!
who else saw that fish bust the surface at 15:00

Professional filmer: no footage. Professional event: no scales. ? Good catch…
I lived less than a mile from the boat dock for 2 years fished it everyday, Never through a 7in glide bait darnit.
Love the excitement, man. Great catch!
Caleb is an absolute stud… I can’t wait till his channel takes off. What brand and style hooks were you using?
Crazy getting to see him catch that fish in person! Great angler and very welcoming to his subs! Keep up the content!!
Dude this is so awesome! I literally see the pic of you holding that fish all over Instagram! Such a cool storytime video. Wouldn't mind seeing another video in this format
DUDE!!! That's a TANK! Also really shows how cool FLW is and they are community oriented in the places they visit
Wow Ben that's a catch of a lifetime. What a cool way to have it happen too, congrats!!
She is beautiful life time catch congratulations keep that dream alive
When you texted me and said “dude that culvert spot” I knew something happened I just didn’t expect it to be everything that happened to the magnitude it did. Still hyped for you man
congrats man
That was dope ash bro!!!
That was a true HAMMER! Great video Ben!
Congrats Ben! I’d put money on you up on that stage
That’s absolutely incredible man! I’m in shock
I've met Alex Rudd, Flukemaster multiple times, & Bassgeek. 3 out of 4 of the Fishing YouTubers I can relate to most. But somehow I've missed you twice this year. Once at Classic (I think you were there if I remember right), and at the Chick event. One day man I hope I'll run into you so I can personally thank you for what you do. The dream at this point is to Fish with all of the creators I mentioned, including you. At that point of feel successful.
Keep living the dream man. If FLW ever comes back to KY Lake & you need a fishing buddy during down time through the day or whatever, my boats always ready
And to weigh that monster on the FLW stage!!!!….bro, Hell yeah