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CAUGHT Them (Creek Bass Fishing 2024)

I went out back to the creek for some fishing in the new year! The creek just opened for fishing on the 3rd Saturday of April and I had to go catch some bass! While bank fishing I ran into some guys being funny and when I took a closer look noticed they had a stringer with a TON of juvenile bluegill! When I looked up the regulations it was clear it wasn’t technically illegal but it was definitely super unethical. What would you have said?

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We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Some people don't understand conservation, a lot of the time it's because no one's taught them or they haven't spent enough time outside to appreciate nature. I wish schools had required education on nature and why it should be appreciated, no one will want to protect nature if they never experience it. Great video though!

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