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Catching Bass When They Seem Impossible To Catch…

Randy gives tips and advice for catching bass when they seem impossible to catch…#bassfishing #angling #fishing #bass

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 Please check out my fish the moment lake map breakdowns at the link below thank you!

Blaukat throwback jig link..


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Had an extremely tough tourney yesterday with bluebird skies and no wind. First cast of the day, BAM!..4.35# sm. 15,minutes later 2.5# lm. THEN THE SUN CAME OUT 😩 hit 15 spots and filled limit with 1#ers. Unfortunately my partner lost a 4+ at the net that would’ve won!!

  2. Went fishing at local urban creek yesterday. The water was still way off color and had a really bad smell; found no signs of life and only 1 or 2 small fish way upstream. I had to go downstream to the point where the vegetation cleared up the water a little. Had to cut thru the jungle and clear a fallen tree to find them in an area previously inaccessible. That is how tough the fishing has gotten for bankies here in San Diego.

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