In today’s video, I head out to try and catch wild pleco fish in Florida ponds! The plecos I catch, I will put into my backyard pond to clean ALL the algae for FREE!
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I must’ve cut out like 50 failed attempts at catching a pleco… Was a rough one today🤣
I know its an old video but man what a great video!!! ❤❤❤❤ thanks for being v nice to my buddies!!! 😊 do u still have those two plecos????
Want more netting
Have you ever thought about doing a sand bottom pool?
I thought you were doing good but you just disobeyed the law
Plecos, especially commons such as the ones you caught need veggies, a steady supply of protein, and algae to have a balanced diet. They need wood to rasp on to digest food as well. They’re invasive as fuck in Florida though so good on you for removing them from the pond. It’s completely insane that you can go and catch them from normal bodies of water there.
I have. 3 plecos one is 3 years old tge second is 2 years old and the 3rd is only afew months old and i got it a few days ago but i had togef another one becus the first 9ne died 3 days later so now i have anotger baby pleco
Cast net daa
Saya pernah kerja di pertanian, di daerah sekitar cangar suasananya ngeri apalagi kalo hujan.. .. Pasti tidak boleh ada pegawai yg sendirian harus bergrombol bahkan ada satu lokasi yg setiap turun huan dan kabut ,pasti akan di kosongkan tidak boleh ada pegawai yg masih disitu waktu hujan dan kabut datang.. Saya seumur hidup saya pertama kali lihat pocong asli ya pas kerja di sana.. Siang bolong .. Sekitar jm 12 an.. Saya sangat yakin itu pocong karena yg lihat bukan cuma saya , ada satu orang lagi ketua regu saya hanya saja sedikit berbeda saya lihat di sebelah kanan dan ketua regu saya lihat ada dikiri dan setelah di cek nggk ada bekas telapak kaki atau daun yg rusak padahal posisinya waktu itu yg kami lihat dia berada di balik pagar bambu yg tingginya 2m dan di balik pagar itu.. Tepat saluran air yg berlumpur dan di pagar bambu juga di timbuhi tanaman labu siam yg lebat. Awalnya kami kira itu orang yg sedang mencari pupus/ pucuk labusiam tapi beberapa saat kemudian kami baru sadar karena pagarnya saja sudah 2m itu kok bisa kelihatan sebatas dada dan makin dicermati kok seperti berkerudung putih dan yg gerak cuma kepalanya saja.. Yg makin mencurigakan kok di panggil nggk gk nyaut.. Karena bisanya kalo ibu" Yg sering cari pucuk labusiam itu pasti terriak" Gk kelihatan orangnya tapi ada suaranya.. Ini kok beda gk ada suaranya ada wujudnya lebih tinggi dari pagar..
Pagar bambunya sudah rapuh dan gak mungkin dipanjat ,dan panjang pagar cuma 10 meteran kok bisa" Nya posisinya pas saya dan ketua regu saya lihat itu gk sama satu kiri satu kanan. Wong saya waktu itu salingberhadap" An dengan ketua saya hanya di batasi gulutan saja, dan pas nolehnya juga barengan 🤣 , ternyata setelah di telisik. Itu tugasnya memindahakan panenan..
He went passed a. No fishing sign 🤨
A have a similar pool pond and was wondering if the plecs can cause damage to the material off the pond and could there poke a hole through it ???
do you catch any exotic plecos or discuses in florida?
It has eggs 🎉
Floridians catching all the good fish out there..
Liked the video Bobby
Bro just spawned a lizerd to feed to bain –
Bruh ur fishing sucks 😂💀
dnt do it, they will suck slimy skin out of ur fishes. and eventually kill them
Do you have a peacock bass in your pond/pool
The plecos with the orange could be L091 Three Beacon or at least a hybrid.
I have one, they are a river species that eat a variety of food.
hello my fih is like bleeding and i dont know what to do cna you say me?
It was hard because you keep pulling it
and its letting go
the sing said no fishing