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Catching a GIANT BASS on the Market’s HOTTEST Swimbait

follow me on Instagram: @grant_langmore7
check out my titktok: @grantlang0
check out my editor’s links or never catch a fish again… best fitness/entertainment content out there!
youtube: @WAEBY
tiktok: @weaintevenbigyet


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Grant, what pound line are you using or what type of line. I just got into swimbait fishing. I've watched your videos and saw your Instagram posts and I was wondering what pound line you use for swimbaits.

  2. I've started to teach myself the ways of swimbait here in New Mexico because of a video I saw of yours from years ago! I love figuring out new bodies of water, new baits and of course ALL the techniques. My first summer with the swimbait tries has yet to yield any "worthy" hogs but I am excited for the future. Love the content, your coolness is just too cool to not want to watch. Hope to see more on the the 'how to's' of the baits you use but honestly I'd watch whatever you post. Hope the bugs didnt get you too bad. Sending New Mexico hopes for a new pb! (:

  3. Do a video on how to fish different swimbaits. For example a twitch or a steady retrieve or a hard reel turn. That would help me out. Thanks Grant

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