How To

Catch 15x MORE Fish This Winter (Bass Fishing Tips)

In this bass fishing tips video I show you how to catch more fish this winter while bass fishing. Bass fishing during the winter can be tough but if you throw the right baits you can catch more fish. I show you different baits to throw this winter while bass fishing and unique ways to fish them. Let me know if you like these bass fishing tip videos and what bass fishing tip videos you would like to see next! Also let me know if you would like to see another winter bass fishing video!

Last Winter Bass Fishing Tip Video –

Another Winter Bass Fishing Tip Video –

Last Bass Fishing Tip video –

Another Bass Fishing Tip Video –

More Bass Fishing Tip Videos –

Best Bass Fishing Knot –

Bass Fishing Gear used in this video :

13 Fishing Creed GT (spinning reel) –
13 Fishing Fate Black (rod) –
Seaguar Florocarbon –

#BassFishing #HowToFish #Fishing


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  1. Hey bro. Doubt you will get to this but was wondering if you could give me your input. Would you go with the 13 Fate Black Creed spinning combo or the Lews Crush spinning combo? I have been eyeing the 13 Fate Black Rod for a while but now the Crush has my attention. Thanks in advance bro.

  2. Damn bro. I was messing with my lures and baits and I was wondering if anyone have ever used a weedless hook on those crappie jigs? lol. You think it’ll work? 😂

  3. Another good way to use those small jigs is to put them on a casting bobber, either red or clear. I have done it with up to a 4 foot leader from the bobber.

  4. I’ve been using that bait forever and the way I use it that catches a bunch of fish is kind of using it like a jerk bait like twitching it like turning your rod sideways and twitching it like a jerk bait

  5. Your fortunate bro. What i mean by that is if i was too go to my local pond and was popping that as hard as you they would never touch it. They are very finicky where i fish at. Its been pretty difficult. To be fair though i haven't tried fishing a small jighead yet.

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