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BREAKING…Wisconsin Anglers Vote In Support Of Banning Forward Facing Sonar And 360 Imaging…

Randy discusses a recent ballot initiative in Wisconsin…#bass #bassfishing #fishingdaily #fishingtrip #angler #fish #catchandrelease #fishing #livescope

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  1. I fish northern Wisconsin and FFS should be banned. Open water is one thing but ice fishing use is absolutely decimating panfish populations. You literally just follow the schools of fish around all day wherever they go and when there are dozens of anglers doing this EVERY DAY for their bag limit, these 200-1,000 acre lakes can withstand the harvest rate. Race to the bottom at this point. And when it comes to a species like walleye that don't naturally reproduce really anymore, they are screwed.

  2. As always, Randy is presenting the part of the story that he agrees with. This is a misrepresentation of something that he is using to support his opinion. If you want to really know what Wisconsin is doing you should watch Matt Stefan's video on the topic. Gee wouldn't is be great that people who never fish or have never fished to be able to tell others how they can and can not fish. We have state agencies to make the decisions, not the uninformed public that listens to opinionated people like RB who wouldn't ever tell you anything he doesn't want to hear.

  3. Randy, the process you are referring to in Wisconsin would take years to get a ban through. So don't get your hopes up about Wisconsin.
    Size limits and bag limits will protect the fishery. Wisconsin is one of the best states in America to fish. We welcome everyone to come here. And Randy we would love to see you up here as well.

  4. I was watching Kyle welcher tournament video love him butnit was so boring he was scoping the whole time… he usually has cool videos vesting to targets with jigs but this was bad

  5. Baseball made it through the steroids era and restored its integrity so, hopefully, tournament fishing can do the same! I’ve stopped watching tournaments on TV and let my membership in BASS lapse because of FFS. If the various tournament organizations will ban FFS and return it to a sport where actual skill is involved, I will once again support those organizations. By the way, I was one of the 12,000 or so people who took the survey and I suppose you can guess how I voted on the FFS question.

  6. I don’t understand that if someone wants to use ffs as their way to fish in their free time, as a hobby, what the problem is? I am totally against it in a tournament setting, but what’s the problem if someone wants to use it on their own. I agree that it hurts the angler learning how to fish by knowledge, but it’s their money and how they enjoy their time. I agree with you on the subject but also feel that it is an over reach by government to band ffs for statewide use, should band by tournament promoters and league committees.

  7. So 6,290 voted in favor and 3,248 voted they had no opinion on the matter for a total of 9,538. 6,786 people voted against it. So 9,500 out of 16,000 either don't want it banned or have no negative opinion on it. So 41% of the people who took the questionnaire are actually in favor of banning the technology. Saying the livescope haters of the world are the majority is just not the case. It also only passed in 35 counties and failed to pass in 36 counties with 1 County ending in a tie vote. I see from your video you chose to ignore the data that hurt your cruasade. You cherry picked the data you wanted to make your argument look better for YouTube views.

  8. You will have along time before it’s a actually law,and I am from the north country and our season doesn’t allow us to-bed fish in tournaments, I can flat out catch fish with or without FFS . But it’s here and I will learn to use it. but to call me a cheater for having itis exactly why I am responding to you.that makes me a cheater! R u kidding me!Again your dreaming , it’s here to stay,but somehow it will be limited in tournaments somehow or someway ,but your fighting a battle , but your losing the war. As a weekend club /warrior tournament/angler for me it wasn’t never about money it was , about catching fish having fun . Catch them the way u want , You need to wake up on this issue , and realize it’s NOT going any where , and figure out how it should be used in a professional tournament level.

  9. I’m not in favor of FFS, BUT….. I’m also Leary of government intervention into issues that regulate others lives. There is a movement in Washington state to ban gas powered leaf blowers, lawn mowers, chainsaws and so on. This issue issue may open a Pandora’s box once you let government regulation in the mix for all related fishing. Just saying.

  10. Why would you ban 360 it’s not live it’s the same deal as side imaging . Also stop saying your a professional fisherman bud u used too be one u no longer are! In order to be a professional u have too do it for a living and the way your tournaments go u would starve to death if that’s what u had too depend on your no more of a true pro than any other average Joe fishing a bfl or Toyota series weekend warrior

  11. No and low tech guys are the ones keeping bass not FFS guys. Let’s get serious guys! Stop being dumb! Why do you care so much about. I can tell you it’s definitely not for the betterment of bass fishing. Lower daily bags limits and slot limits are what we need.

  12. Randy, how many FFS units are in the hands of American anglers? Once banned, would the trash heap of these units be bigger or smaller than the mountain of Toxic Lead tailings associated with your use, sponsorship, and sale of Toxic Lead fishing tackle?

  13. 360 is no different than side scan which is on about every boat in the country now. Guys that have 360 and or SI on their boat without proper power/wiring they are pretty much looking at 2d 20 years ago with the exception of 360 capability of showing you cover/structure in front of you before floating over it and spooking fish. Get over it.

  14. Should not be illegal for bass fishing because people don't eat them they catch and release that's the fun of bass fishing what is that going to hurt if Catch and Release was so bad why did they have a catch and release past season now

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