Today we talk about the latest news on the Bassmaster Tournament trail. The Open’s have officially changed! I break down the release and give my 2 cents. I also talk about a few of the rumors I have heard in regards to the Opens.
Today we talk about the latest news on the Bassmaster Tournament trail. The Open’s have officially changed! I break down the release and give my 2 cents. I also talk about a few of the rumors I have heard in regards to the Opens.
Bro…..good video but you gotta clean them windows…..damn it boy
Opens or NPFL. Let FLW for a reason, it’s just got worse ever since
I was interested in your opinion…there is only one league you can fish to get to the CLASSIC and I think that's where your heart lies…"Let's Fish TV Hosted by B.A.S.S. CHAMPION……
NPFL bro
Who in their right mind would want to fish as a co-angler when all that's going to happen is you get back-seated all day in 30-50 feet of water.
Sounds like a money grab
Wait for the schedule and pick the Open division that fits your style. The whole point is to move up to the elites or get in the classic.
Man i think you should do what your heart tells you,npfl and the opens are great but I would stay away from the other,the EQs should only le the elites that get bumped out not all of them that just ain't right,either way whatever you decide I'll support it,good luck buddy
Do whatever makes you happy good video
Npfl go win a hundred g
NPFL would be a lot easier to schedule around filming a tv show BUT there’s no elite series or classic at the end of the road.
I say fish One Division be in the top 50 make it to the elites. Just my opinion I don't think the elites should be allowed to step down and cherry pick open tournaments or EQ from guys who are trying to make it to the top level.
Opens all day. I hope it’s a good schedule and I can get in.
I believe it's you and your family's decision to make as what is best for you. You know as much and probably more about the different trails and which if any would best y'all.
Love to see you fish the opens and a few NPFLS if it works with your schedule. Thanks for the low down on the press release
If I was in a spot where I could do what I wanted, I would cherry pick tournaments and focus on the show and other opportunities you have until all of the “trimming” is done with MLF and rule changes calm down at BASS. That is if qualifying for one is your goal
Also, they can't seem to enforce the rules in the tournaments they already have now. How can we expect them to keep a new level of competition in line?
Damn that's expensive. They are doing that to line their pockets.
Bassmaster is simply adding another level to the casino. And we all know that the house always wins.
Another tournament series?? Anglers wanted it? This fan didn’t, I can’t follow them already
As far as what you should fish next year, I think the real question is, if you were to qualify for the Elites is that something that you really want? If the answer is yes then I say fish the Opens again. Whatever direction you take, I hope next year is a good year for you, remember to have fun and enjoy what you're doing.
The opens are being watched by a lot of people. It's time for a 100,000$ dollar top 50 championship.
I would like to see the elite team back in Toledo bend again
I would live to see you in NPFL. You would thrive there…
I wonder if the elite anglers points wont count like they dont count now in the current "eq's". Like if an elite series angler fished all 9 eq's and placed 9th, then the 10th place angler would still qualify for the elites..
Want to see you scott and panger traveling together again!
Real men don't need or use forward facing sonar. Fake fishing with FFS is lame and boring to watch. I watched a fisherman brag that he was in the running for Angler Of The Year all the while using forward facing sonar. Are you kidding me!
Bull shit they're just trying to make more $ from not having a co angler entry fee. More events makes them more money and payout less.
I think which series you chose has to be based on if you want to become an Elite or a BPT angler. Only reason to do either the Opens/EQ or Invitationals is to try and qualify. I do feel your fishing brings some value to your channel and TV show, so I like seeing that content. My gut says you would like to be on the Elites for at least a couple years and with this change you can give it at least one shot even if only through just one division. The new opens/EQ sounds like a solid move. I sort of hope they just make the rules consistent even though I think they missed a little with the 360 and FFS debate, but had to start somewhere. That’s a whole other subject.
I think it's an improvement. Stick with BASS.

NPFL only series that will have viewers for all events
Mpfl or invitational
The Elite anglers should NOT be able to fish the EQ’s. They should have to stay qualified in the elite tournaments.
You need to do what makes you happiest boss man!! You are awesome in front of the camera and we all enjoy your content! But you are a talented angler and you always put in 110%! I know one thing!! You got to be twins to keep up with your demanding schedule but with the incredible support of your family, sponsors, and fans you are gonna achieve any goals you decide to set. It's an honor to be part of your Let's Fish team and we all got your back!!!!

What’s up lil buddy I think you should fish the npfl and fish around home if I lived in Hemphill I would focus on those two lakes. And keep doing the awesome work on your fishing show you have spoke legends and sticks around you that would make good tv. Dearman,Faircloth etc
Npfl bro love your show keep it up..why fish the opens and qualify only to have all the elites drop down and fish the eq series against the guys who work their but off to get there..and they dont have to qualify..nonsense…npfl…good luck in whatever you decide andrew
I think it’s hard to decide until we see the schedule. I would like to see you stay with BASS and at least fish one division to try and qualify for the EQ. 4 tournaments is manageable and adding 3 more if you qualify isn’t as difficult as committing to all 9 like previous years. Wish you the best.
You say you're busier than ever now, if you fished the EQ'S and qualified for the Elites how would you possibly have the time to fish the whole season. If you fish one division of the opens and happen to win one and qualify for the Classic, that would be a good year and leave you time for the other things in your life…. But keep family first.
I like the change. What I don’t like is the elites will be able to jackpot the EQ’s. That is straight up BS. I do think the actual rules for the opens and EQ’s should mirror the elites. Makes boat rigging easier.
Sounds ok to me.