Went out bass fishing in east Texas with my boy Outlaw who has to be the worlds biggest redneck. Make sure to checkout his channel below to see some crazy vidjas!
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This is my birthday lol
Don't shoot your foot off!
When u catch a bass off its bed it doesnt go back to the bed
2018 i live east texas
dont ever have outlaw back on your show. he sucks.
what reel is he using
Where is this pond ?
Hey brother, first off thanks for your service, this country is great because of men and women that make sacrifices like you have. I just have a quick question. What was your flipping set up and bait? Thanks bro.
Coffee pistol and a camera
#1rod1reel and rob my favorite two you tubers the others channels suck
that is a perl rage craw
that is a perl rage craw
You are the best fisherman I have ever seen
why dont you put out the lakes name?
I do but but feel bed fishing is the same as deer spotting. Smh
you played game fishing planet?
that first bass release was so satisfying
Outlaw seems sick as fuck to fish with haha. Always good to have a chill ass partner to fish with. Keep on rippin lips brotha
i love fishing with swim baits
u got me super hard with that nipple comment
Keep your rod tip up in the air don't have the damn pole down in the water that's how you loose fish
My Pb is 9.4
Hey bro
One question , do you recommend me the white lure , in this video i saw that are very effective.
And regardless for your videos .
What kind of sandals are you wearing?
I'm a fisherman. I want to rant and rave and cuss, but I'll be nice, and just say this: I feel that it should be illegal to fish for bedding bass. Here in the PNW, we protect our spawning fish. We do not intimidate them.
Where's the Giant swimbait ?
I don't think I've ever needed a pistol when fishing?
It was colder than a witches tittie in a brass bra. Nipples hard enough to cut diamonds #outlaw #lunkerstv
robs whispering is cringy af
Awesome swimbait BASS!!
He cut his hair
I find this kind of fishing fascinating as it is completely illegal in the UK to deliberately fish for spawning fish or disturb spawning beds.
awesome vid might head to east texas for some fishing this weekend. still deciding though
what lake are yall on?
hey Rob if you ever want to hit that lake again, I have a good bit of experience on it, and pics of the beautiful girls to show for it.
What reel are you using on your swimbait setup? Looks like a pretty wide spool, looking for a low profile reel for throwing big baits. 2-5oz.
Dude, after watching the vid and listening to what you comment at the end, my take is this. There is no for sure thing when it comes to fishing for Bass. There are so many variables that even more experienced anglers and biologists don't have have an exact comment why Bass don't bite at certain times. I believe you are a good angler and the fact that you try to figure out tactics in order to change it out for the next time out, is more than most people even try to do to become a better angler.. Well done and great Vids bro.. keep it up..
3 4 5 7 12

Trow a Jerkbait in clear water like that, you will be surprised how many more fish you will catch. Good job on the bed fish
what you got there a freaking tank to pull a boat
Glass cutters
why? do you have a pistol?
Another great bed fishing vid brother. Glad your nipples didnt cut off any fish.
haha that swimbait is a straw weight
Is there any particular reason you never mention the name of the lake you're going fishing on? I'm sure it'd be cool for myself and the other subs in Texas would like to hear that you're fishing in our regular lake.
What part of Chickamauga are you gonna fish?
Where's rob edge up #saverobshairline
Do you know when defender reels are gonna get in stock
I'm in south east Texas right by lake Houston and lake conroe but I don't like fishing either lakes, trying to findout which ones y'all were on to make trips to when I'm onshore. Expand my horizons