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This is part 2 of an amazing Saturday of fishing. I fished upstream and downstream of a waterfall and caught a ton of smallmouth. I’ll have to come back here because there could be even more big smallmouth hiding out. I hope you guys enjoy the video and thank you for watching!

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#smallmouth #waterfall #summerfishing


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Bring a friend next time. That way you or him can chase away those geese while the other takes a shit in their nest. Leave a note that reads "how do you like it, dick squeezers?"

  2. Love your vids. they take me back to my younger days fishing the creeks of Ind. I don't fish anymore; I would love to share some of my lures with you. How can I get them to you?

  3. Sir that's what's up your a " HARDCORE FISHERMAN " for sure. I knew when I seen your channel I was going to enjoy it and man was I right. Sir you do the kind of fishing my kiddos and me love to do just some good ol ultralight fishing gear and a great time. We live on a lake I have three kiddos and we live to fish and love to fish. But haven't done alot cause a while back somebody stoled all of my kiddos fishing stuff alone with mine and some other stuff so it has been hard getting us back to fishing. I'm sure people on here are like how is it so hard well my wife has narcolepsy so I'm a stay at home dad and take care of her and the kiddos but I wouldn't have it any other way. We live month and make it but it is hard to get new fishing stuff when that's not like a bill to pay or food to buy. But we have gotten a few things from youtubers and Instagram pepz. But sir I want you to know you just show us it don't take much to get out and fish and my kiddos and I love the channel and the content you put out so thanks. It is like a hey don't let life control you take what it gives you and run with it so thanks. And hope you get well sir sorry to hear about your hand but stuff like that your not letting it stop you from doing what you love so thanks and appreciate all you do and go through making these awesome videos for us to all enjoy. Well till next's trip GodBless and Tight Lines.

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