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Big Lunker Largemouth Bass – FISHING MASHUP – Big Bow Carp & Huge Yellow Perch

Big Lunker Largemouth Bass – FISHING MASHUP – Big Bow Carp & Huge Yellow Perch – A couple of days fishing doing different things different ways. Working the water for smaller bass. Caught a huge yellow perch and a surprise bluegill in the deep. Some bow fishing for big carp that started mulling around. The fishing cut into my fishing time but how can that be possible? Big rain storm came in and I got half drenched. Did not want to get full drenched so I took a break under some tress. I never take breaks unless the good Lord makes me take a break. Rowing, row, rowing to get me warmed up to fish the dusk. Fishing trees on the setting sun with the worm and rod doubles up under and big lunker largemouth on the end of the line. The big bass dove in the weeds as they do. Pulled her out. Some weeds and no lip to grip. Felt like line was going to snap but we got her in the boat and on her was. What a hefty bigmouth bass. What a grand way to finish the outing. Still amazes me how quick day goes.


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. I just got into fishing and sailing. I'm actually going for my captains 6 pack after I get my time on the water to be able to start my own fishing charter. I wouldn't mind tagging along to learn from the best if you're ever in Queens again. Great content by the way. New sub here.

  2. Hi Jerry, You caught a lot of everything. Going under the tree during the rain reminded me of when I was a kid. We would go under the bridge and tie up our boats until the rain stopped. Have fun and take care, Mickey

  3. Hey jerry, I want to do more freshwater fishing from shore this summer, but have major tick concerns. I’ve had way too many these past few years, any recommendations on how to avoid them or protect against them?

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