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Big Bass on the Sprinker Buzz Frog

Exciting strikes on the buzz frog in the Everglades. Big Bass over 6 pounds blast the buzz frog!


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  1. ROLAND MARTIN is a expert and has proven it in many ways so I think we cut him some slag on how much the bass wight is he is catching so many fhish to help us on tips and tricks let's just say.

    TANKS ROLAND πŸ˜‰πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

  2. Another great video, and you've got me trying out different frogs. My problem is that I'm getting bites, but I can't seem to get the hook ups. I've bent the hooks out a little, tried delaying setting the hook etc. but I just keep missing them. Any tips?

  3. Roland your a fishing legend! If you say it's a 5 lbs fish then you don't let anyone make you think otherwise! Have they fished as long as you? There's a reason why your on the show an their not! Happy fishing!:)

  4. Hey Roland, a few years ago when Bass Pro Shops opened up here in Tacoma, Wa I spoke with Jimmy Houston. I asked Jimmy how someone could guarantee catching a 10 + LB bass every time they went fishing. Did Jimmy tell you the answer?

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