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Big Bass Fishing Day in Florida Everglades. Swim Bait & Swim Jigs

Capt Jim Costabile and Capt Shane have a fantastic big bass fishing day in the Florida Everglades. You have to see the entire video. (Capt Shane’s charter information) (Capt Jim’s web address)


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  1. Captain Shane.. I'm a big fan. been fishing all my life and have gotten on some good ones. I live in lakeland Fl, but was thinking about taking a trip to the Glades with my cousin and trying to get on some hogs. got any spot recommendations?

  2. Where is a good place to launch your boat out of? I go out of holiday park cause it's close to my house but I never catch anything there, I am thinking about going north on U.S. 27 and launching on the side of the road ahead of Sawgrass Recreational Park. Would you recommend that?

  3. Captain Shane Next summer i will be going down to florida for a week and i wanted to know if there are any snakehead in the canals right by orlando im going to be fishing the canals right by walt disney world would you happen to know if there are any snakehead or peacocks in there.? Awesome job on the vid keep producing them thanks!

  4. I enjoy watching you videos, i feel like its a nice way to end the day, and lately i have been wanting to go fishing so bad, I'm going to Florida next week and was wondering if you had any suggestions on what lures i should use.

  5. I'm headed to Cabela's today Shane. I'm picking up a new net for you cuz the one you have has got to be wore out! This is yet another classic video brother. Now that's great fishing.

  6. man I fish those everglades a lot and man have never even came close …shoot most of the time is just catching the damn gars and no bass ….I need a boat like asap lol

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