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Ben Milliken, Randy Blaukat, Jacob Fouts! (Controversy or Clickbait?) What say you?

Social media platforms are the “norm” these days! The most prominent Bait in Fishing today is “CLICKBAIT!” Likes, subscribes, click here click there…click everywhere for everything! Regardless, there’s informative content mixed with “entertainment!” It’s up to you to sort through it!


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  1. It's not Corporate America anymore, anyone objectively paying attention to House committee investigations into Biden's corruption should know that. it really shows how incompetent if not corrupted Democrats have become. This is coming from a former Democrat.

    And Ben is a puss for not fishing Randy one v one without FFS to prove he doesn't need FFS to win. All he has to do is keep up, if not beat Randy, to prove it. Ben has been publicly talking very disrespectfully, to put it politely, about Randy regarding FFS since last year, that I personally know about. But here's the thing, THEY'RE BOTH LIBERAL DEMOCRATS THAT WOULD VOTE FOR BIDEN AGAIN. FFS is probably one of the few things they don't have in common. i was pretty sure Randy was a Democrat, but i didn't think he'd be so disconnected he'd "like" a comment someone on his channel made saying they would vote for Biden again. I did "have Randy's back" anytime anyone wanted to bring up FFS in tournament fishing and start "throwing rocks at Randy" for it. But that was the last straw for me, personally.

    Was it Geronimo Swindel Randy mentioned on that episode you're talking about? If so, just know it was Geronimo that threw the first rock way before Ben. I'm just telling you that so you can avoid sounding like a rock thrower yourself. 

    Me, I'm definitely a rock thrower. all for the right reasons.

  2. Randy cries about being priced out of fishing by FFS. All while selling 25$ jerkbaits and 10$ jigs, sponsored and fish's out of a six figure boat. Kayak users and the covid influx of Anglers have had far more affect then FFS.

  3. Randy does complain a lot… but I kinda agree. Why do the (PRO’S) the best on the planet need that much help to catch a fish? If Tom Brady was given a potato launcher to throw a football would he still be a hell of a football player or just good with a potato gun? These guys are great with electronics but not hero’s of BASSFISHING anymore. BTW they will still beat me on their worst days. Just sucks that I have to agree with the complainer.

  4. The brutal reality is fishing promotions have gone to social media. The new generation isn’t watching the outdoor channel and watching the Bassmaster Classic. Alot of pros have gone to social media for the money.

  5. So tired of these clowns crying about what each other is doing.. Randy.. act your age.. not your shoe size.. you have been doing this before Milliken was even born.. act like a professional.. not a princess..Milliken.. have a little respect.. other guy..I don't even know who you are.. with that said.. side imaging and front facing sonar will make anybody a better fisherman.. period. You call yourselves professionals.. act like it. Thanks for making the decision to un subscribe an easy one. Just go and fish..

  6. My first thought has been that both these “smart YouTube influencers/fishermen” are in on this/buddies that figured out a method to drive clicks & have been working fans, much like pro wrestling

  7. I only fish for the love of bass fishing for many years and I am getting up there. Not a tournament angler. What I see is 2 different issues by each person that each issue happens to effect the other. The first is Randy and he has a point. Randy- livescope technology made fishing an unfair advantage than the traditional knowledge that comes with years of dedication. The fact that you can see exactly in detail where the fish are. They have livescope type techniques now and marketing baits towards it. Maybe there should be a livescope league on it's own ? Just throwing that out there. I don't have livescope. Then you can say in the past regular sonar, spotlock , hydrowave, powerpoles, how far can you accept some technology resource limit ? When is it too far? Ben – watched the video, funny stuff , younger cool guy. Successful, hammer. I agree with what he says. He is focusing on corporate that ruined mom and pop stores into pros and everyday guy like me effected. Didn't really address the livescope complaint Randy has but is looking at the bigger picture. Maybe they just got off on the wrong foot, because both issues play into each other. Both are valid points. I personally don't think it's clickbait for either of them though.

  8. Not sure why everyone is throwing randy under the bus . He never mentions anyone in his videos.! And Ben does all the time! Plus he is the master of clickbait! Not sure how people are saying randy clickbaits more then Ben. It's insane

  9. I un-subed several channels, Randy's being first. Love Ben's channel. I just want to catch more and Not pay retirement for everyone in the damn industry! Spoonplugging has caught me the same quality of fish as AT2 as of present. People should be more worried about it.

  10. Me and my electrician partner were just discussing this issue about how old school pro fisherman dislike yt fishermen and how it’s gonna get worse now that yt guys and getting into the pro circuit

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