Fishing a nice early morning fall bite on Belews Lake with a Z-man TRD on a Ned Head. ned rig bass fishing Lake Norman Spotted bass Z-man TRD Belews Lake Belews creek largemouth bass Fall bass fishing
Is it true that you can’t consume fish from that lake??
I live on Belews down at the other end of the lake. This is a great video – not rushed, nice calm demeanor.
How do you have transducer cable run on trolling motor? I have motorguide xi3 and wanted to know how run off trolling MOTOR. THANKS
I've made a few welds in that power plant. I always wanted to fish it while I was there.
Damn boi your one heck of a bass angler
recently i have been doing more bass fishing I used to be more of trout guy!
Those fall mornings are great haha. I love not having to wake up at 3 to get to the lake.