Randy talks about a recent decision made by Bassmaster…#baitandtackle #bassfishing #fishing #basslake #sportfishing #fishingtrip #bass #angler #bassmasters
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They are only doing this because it is a requirement by law in New York State
A boater safety course won’t fix stupid! My state requires it for all boaters. I’m surprised you think this is a big deal. It feels nice on paper, has the appearance of a good thing, except won’t make better drivers or help with better decisions.
Ifcpeople are stupid there is no training or classes that will fix it. I disagree just because you have a certificate of completion does not make you a better boater.
I have never understood why there isnt a speed limit on the water !
Nothing going to change. You got to start talking drivers license and boating rights forever to make change. Doubt thats going to happen. Disgusting sorry piece of crap people drive boats like that.
They can start at the lower levels by eliminating the phrase “safe light” in relation to start time. There are tons of folks on the water who equate that term with having to use or not use their navigation/running lights. No such thing exists- it’s either before sunrise or after sunrise or at sunset. Exactly published times. I quit fishing fruit jar tournaments because of folks launching without their lights on making them difficult to see before sunrise. A boating safety course does expose people to the rules of the road, buoy markings and meanings, light laws, stand on vessel designation etc.
Darn, I thought maybe instead of Nanny Stating, Bass decided not to kill all the big fish, by going to a catch and release format.
Okay good points. When you talk about boater safety I keep hearing the word speed, how about the conditions? People knowingly run skinny water, narrow ditches (WOT) and on purpose large wave rough conditions instead of just NOT TRYING to make it to an area with prior knowledge of how rough it is?
With respect to non boater participants they simply just don't come back for more life threatening fun. For these reasons I wont ride with anyone I do not know.
I get your message and if it saves one life or prevents an injury this is a good thing. it was a great video. Thank you.
Your beloved Bassmaster is currently holding a tournament here in Oklahoma in 100 degree temps while stuffing fish in livewells. They have to fix that Randy! Can’t be beating these fish around in livewells when it’s that hot.
BASS is just doing it to try to further reduce their liability in the event of an accident. If they really cared about safety they would reduce HP limits.
No big deal because people are still going to be Idiotts! People have Drivers Licenses & they drive CrAzY 🤪 everyday! There you go
I don’t believe it has anything to do with safety of the angler. The org is more concerned about premium costs of insurance with what has been happening more lately. The course is nothing to scream over.
It’s not that they’re not aware. It’s these people simply don’t care about the people around them
It won't change a thing. People are still going to be rude and disrespectful.
Speed kills…. Get rid of the speed !!
Saw aftermath of terrible accident on Smithville in Mo during Red Man tournament. One boat T boned another right at the console and flew over it. Never did hear if there were fatalities
Driving a boat and being respectful of those around you is two different animals . To most people it's about the $$$$$$$$ no matter who or what is in the way. I have lost a lit of respect for competitive fishing.
Randy, you've been around long enough to know what drives the world. Those killed in the last year in boating accidents have without a doubt grieved and sought council by now., There is ZERO chance this safety course was not directed by BASS legal and at the absolute very least…. their insurance company. I hope you and your viewers aren't naive enough to think they did this for safety!!! Come on…. you've been around!
liberal biden voter..go hug a tree…wake up bro…
Ray Scott is probably rollin over in his grave. Im 60, literally have 🎣 57 of th 60. I watched as a lil kid as all th founders built this profession. So much so that @ '93 I pumped my boat full with lvwl pump and pulled a RB like i saw on BSMSTR tv. $3500 to th good, legally. The PGA has always had strict rules and noone tries to make changes to protect the INTEGRITY of th profession. Put it back to reay meaning something again. The way Ray laid it out to start with
I do not concur. Boater safety is required in my state. It accomplishes nothing. Regulation without enforcement achieves nothing. How many contestants have boater liability insurance with a provision that covers them while used in a competitive event?
If they hit a log or stump under the water at 80 that motor might come in the boat and ruin lives
Boater safety is a joke! Same goes for banning FFS, either evolve or be a dinosaur. The end!!!!
I've boated a long time, been lucky to never see an accident but heard of a few. When there's a collision? or even alone, a crash most likely kills someone, or gets injured in life changing ways.
Damn, I was expecting something like "limit of 2 displays on a boat" or something good.
Wow, I'm shocked this wasn't a thing long ago. What a great way to work with water safety and Coast Guard folks for a cross promotional thing. I just see lots of benefits there.
Gotta tell ya, I remember the old days man. Remember those tall, black Merc's on 20 footers trying to imitate those "Skeeter" commercials. Me and a buddy were out fishing on a popular lake in Michigan and there was some kind of amateur fishing tourney that day. The lake, it's got 2 sandbars, everyone knows about them. Pretty obvious with people playing frisbee, sitting in lawn chairs in the water. This dude with his buddy come flying from the ramp. I told my buddy, "listen to this, wait for it" … sure enough 50mph to half the lower gearcase/prop plowing through sand. Took about 20min, most likely a prop change and they went flying again right by us. Funny part is, lake isn't but 3 miles from ramp to the farthest lilies.
Gerald swindle
Bassmaster should implement a max speed of 40mph during Practice and tournament operations. I’ll competing Tournaments should sign in.
Just because they know the safety rules and how to operate a boat safely, doesn’t mean they’re going to actually operate one safely. It’s like driving a car and the driver’s safety class. You still have people driving like nuts. Enforce the rules and punish the offenders with penalties that are significant and not a slap on the wrist. It’s why we have crime out of control—because it’s not punished and often times the laws are not even enforced in certain jurisdictions with crooked DA.s.
I think there’s a fair amount of people in the comments who could stand a boater safety course. I promise, there’s alot you DON’T know.
Loving the hat!!! 🤠 How about that"Tackle room tour" 🤔
Several States started doing boater safety course requirment to operate boats several years ago and has not change how they drive or safety boating.
Does nothing for how they will act it only satisfies what their general liability company wants
Sounds like you should be a tournament director…
I think it is well thought and said.
Throw in the towel Randy you're done why don't you put a program together about dude wipes
Nice video. I just ordered a couple of Lew's reel using your link.