Randy talks about the need to get rid of bass tournament weigh in’s…#fish #angler #bassmaster #fishing #fishingdaily #bassfishing #catchandrelease #bass #fishingtrip #fishinglife
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100% agree.. Another great video. Always enjoy your content.
Did you fillet those bass that got scaled in your live well?
Up here in Madison we have tournaments all year long. They still require them to be brought in. I watched them take dozens of dead ones and dumped in the middle of the lake one time. I took a video and the guy exploded and said lose the footage. Unreal the walleye world still does it also. Solid white walleye coming out of livewells.
I'm torn . . . I get your point and agree about the survival of the individual bass.
However, . . . I would never attend a bass fishing tournament as a spectator / fan if there are no bass to see . . . it would be dumb.
From the 'business end' . . . fan attendance at events is what helps keep the sponsor dollars coming in . . . . lose the fans / lose the sponsors.
I'm not arguing against it . . . I'd just like to see 'other' options explored . . . possibly with fish & wildlife / biologists / tournament organizations working together.
Just because MLF's catch/ weigh/release , format works, doesn't mean there aren't other viable options to explore.
That's one of the problems with bass fisherman in general . . . they struggle to think outside the box, are usually reluctant to anything new, and very often have tunnel vision.
Not sure what the answer is . . . but a '1-Size-Fits-All' approach is short-sighted.
Id feel better stalking a retired zoo animal in a canned hunt then i would livescoping crappie! After watching those video i cant see the lakes not being in trouble in 36 months.
3,4 days after a tournament is packed up and gone we get to see the dead fish floating in lakes,taken away from there habitat they were at,great for you speaking
I have to say your very knowledgeable and haven't watched or read with anything I'd disagree with what you have said,keep up the great videos we truly appreciate you
You are " absolutely " correct Randy,I've seen it on Cayuga lake,onieda lake up here dead fish floating after they let fish go after weigh ins ,it's disgusting truthfully locals hate these huge tournaments,definitely does ruin fishing for quite a while after tournaments,
Liv golf and PGA actually merged. So bad example.
So now are you slamming weigh ins , yet you have a video here on your channel where you tour the skeeter boat and say you can carry two large weigh ins of bass? I ask you, is that trying to have it both ways? Why don't you slam every game and fish commission for having limits on bass, when according to you there shouldn't be any allowed to keep. Maybe you know more than the biologist. I don't keep bass , but I have friends that keep some. I have a lot more respect for them consuming a few bass every now and then, than you trying to have it both ways.
Your right man, the whole weigh in concept is still fun and cool but at one time smoking cigarettes was too. Ray Scott wanted to propel the sport and make it a fun which he did, I watched guys like you and clunn for years on tnn it was great, but times have changed too many hooks in the water
1000% right!
Anglers would start buying off their officials. Im interested how this would work when its fairly apparent that integrity isnt 100% in fishing
In the PNW bass are an introduced invasive fish. They are ruining it for the salmon and trout in some fisheries. We will handle conservation our own way.
working together to restore a healthy ecosystem allowing for a more responsible harvest on both sides ,get fisheries involved locally an support them in there efforts in restoration projects an shoreline conservation of plants an natural environment.clubs organize all groups of outdoors enthusiasts
Its super hard on fish in the summer to be in a live well!!!
I have a big problem with casual anglers that keep Bass in the livewell all day so they can get that five fish limit picture at the end of the day.
I remember the days of 10-fish limits, and tournament photos of stringers with MANY dead fish hanging next to happy and proud fishermen. But those days and LONG over, gone with the polyester jumpsuits that the tournament winners used to wear. Time to live in the 21st century…
Catch, Photo, Release, is the way to go. If the kayakers can do it, then surely good bass fishing tournaments can, too.
I agree
Why would b.a.s.s have a tourney on a smallie fishery in august knowing the fish will be in 40 foot plus. I hope the wind blows all 4 days
Wait to see how mnay bass get killed at the st Lawrence this yr for the elites. last yr everytime a guy opened his live well u could see the smallies floating upside down. I guarantee you the camera guys were told not to film the live walls this year. B.a.s.s is a disgrace to the sport now
Here's my thought. I think it will help out. Depending on the fishery as far as bass tournament's go. 1 or 2 bass Depending on the fishery only 21 inches or greater at least. No bass over the 7lb mark. I would like to see only catch and release right after catching them. The only reason they should put them in the livewell is only to revive them back to better health then release them. I have bass fished too long. I was raised on it. So it will either be put into use or it won't but this is from my experience from bass fishing day's in and day's out. Hope it gets put into place.
Here's my thought. I think it will help out. Depending on the fishery as far as bass tournament's go. 1 or 2 bass Depending on the fishery only 21 inches or greater at least. I would like to see only catch and release right after catching them. The only reason the should put them in the livewell is only to revive them back to better health then release them. I have bass fished too long. I was raised on it. So it will either be put into use or it won't but this is from my experience from bass fishing day in and day out. Hope it gets put into place.
I've killed 3 bass already this yr, ice and please release me not much else I can do. I'm tired of keeping fish alive
I agree completely… who's going to pay for it? There is a cost for this… does this come from the anglers payout purse??
I’ve seen tournaments here , pay tournaments , I’ve seen em weigh dead fish and get away with it , I think BASS has more tools than most tournament organizations, tools that keep the bass alive than any other organizations
Good topic , I agree too , during the spawn the bigger fish that are spawning need to be weighed an quickly released , when it’s summer time they will die more often in a livewell , heat of summer hurts em
Tournament after tournament after tournament after tournament after tournament, 500 boats, 1,000 boats, 600 boats, 400 boats on the water every weekend! Are we that stupid to think the guys that keep fish to eat are the culprits to the decline of fish in our lakes? Until these pig headed idiots admit we are the problem the lakes will die off, that's when you'll finally see the boats and tournaments leave the lakes. By then it will be too late and the damage will have been done. It will take years for these lakes to rebound. Randy, I'd be interested in you calling and doing a video on just what the Missouri Department of Conservation does to help our fisheries! I bet it's nothing like the Texas Park and Wildlife Department, which is why they have such great lakes!
Good follow up Randy. I was very critical 2 days ago. This is something we can agree and build on. Also, why do we need 3 or more practice days for each tournament. This puts more pressure on fishing at each tournament along with several more fish each day mortality with deep hooking. Practice days should be barbness or "no hook" days or limited to 1 day. With lots of major tournaments 3 and 4 day events, that's 8 days of heavy fish mortalities. Most people who eat fish only fish once or twice a month, keep enough for a meal, only 4 or 5 fish, usually small ones. Tournament anglers catch 20, 30 or 50 a day and do this 20 to 30 days a month.
Randy, Bass Tournaments at the National and local levels need to stop now if people want to save our fish resources across the country. If anglers want to compete against one another then choose another sport that doesn't involve the killing of fish. It's that simple! It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this out. Fishing should be for people who only want to go out and experience the outdoor world we live in. People who only care about our environment and who truly enjoy it. Producing fishing products to catch more bass and making lots of money is where we are today. It's a sad state of affairs. Many of these people making this money have never had a fishing rod in their hands and have never caught a fish. They have never had to make a decision of do I let this bass go or do I kill it. They only see green money and nothing else. The bottom line is we should not be competing against each other for the fish that live in our world. It's all going to come to a stop one day and you are probably young enough to see it all unfold. Danny Barker-a high-level angler.