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Bass Pro Tour Map Study | Redcrest Lay Lake

This will be my first time to compete on this Coosa river lake in AL. I did come prepractice here back in the fall when the water was down about 4’. This was a big help (I hope!). Im excited about this event for sure!

Sorry for having the blur out some spots on the map. Posting this ahead of our practice I felt it necessary to blur some of the map out so waypoints couldn’t be pirated!


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  1. I have spent two one week stretches fishing Lay Lake. And two tournaments. I loved fishing there during a spawn tournament. I weighed in a bag with two 8lb bass in it on day two of the first tournament. I lost that two day derby by an oz.

    The only tournament bodies I like more are Lake Fork and Champlain. I like Champlain because I grew up on big water, both Salt and the Great Lakes, depending on the part of my youth. I know how to fish on big water, and I’m more comfortable than most when it gets rough on the front deck. I’ll take all the big water tournaments I can run.

    But otherwise Lay Lake and Lake Fork are really special fisheries where Ive had the best times on my life on a boat.

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