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I was going to watch this until I saw that you're wearing nail polish and some sort of nose jewelry
Your living the dream brother
I got alot of mill ponds that are commected to bigger bodies of water through tunnels. Big bash hold up in all of them during the hottest days of summer. Just eating everyday from ducks and rats to white perch. Cool fishing on the kayak
What rod and reels are you rocking would make a great vid
The cast into the tube was beautiful. I knew as soon as you made that cast you were coming out with a fish one thing I’ve learned is that those perfect cast on more often than not rewarded with a fish
I was going to bash you but I now see your not using real baby bunnies!! I hope to fish as well as you some day!

When are you coming to Missouri. Kc area
Healthy piss

What size reel is your Calcutta conquest?
that one in the tube..
What do you use to store your big swimbaits.
surprised to see the pee lol
Great vid
Marcus Gilbert! I’m dying
Really don't need to see you peeing!
Did you really pull that
out on film.
Another BANGER, my dude! Always look forward to watching you catch big fish with the most minimal of gear.
Man, loving these vids! Too bad I missed them swimbait sale!!!
Loooks super peaceful man
Wish your videos were longer. Love the content.
KEEP EM COMING MARSH!!! Love seeing you fish these beautiful MN waters.
Marcus Gilbert

Bro the pissing scene
Man if you head north to OK hit me up! You gave me the confidence to finally toss big baits around and not follow the norm. Get well soon brother
Tunnel view on point