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Bass Fishing with Super Powers @nobaddayskayak #bassfishing #oldtownkayak

I would take the super power of Johnny Storm aka Human Torch. If we can only pick one power there is so much you can do with heat and fire.


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  1. Definitely super strength. I always prefer team sports so I'd have a sidekick. You definitely had a great day on the water. I believe the Bible as it is written and I 100% believe Adam and Eve were the first man and women on Earth. Where I do think it can get confusing is time. There is a scripture where it says thousand years to God is like a day. There is a lot that happened between when Adam and Eve were created and the rest of Genises, that we really just don't know about. Someday we will though.😊

  2. Initially I always thought Gen chapter 2 was just expounding in more detail the end of Chapter 1 when God created man, but you raise an interesting question as to whether Adam and Eve were just the first to be in the Garden. As when you read further, they had more sons other than Cain and Abel who also married other women. Were there others created at “the beginning”?

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