Today I am out bass fishing with more lures from Walmart, the NetBait Baby Action Cat. This soft plastic creature bait resembles a crawfish but also resembles a baby brush hog. The package refers to this lure as a tube, and it does have a hollow center. I am fishing this on a Texas Rig in shallow water. I miss one bass early on, but manage to land a decent one after moving to a different fishing spot. If you see the NetBait Baby Action Cat at a Walmart Near you, give it a try on your next bass fishing trip.
I also pick a winner from the Cristie Critter Giveaway! Be sure to send me your shipping info if you won!
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Dang, man…Tuesday morning, and that many boats?! People got some good free time around your area! That's crazy.
Sup Alex. Looks like a promising bait, I use one like it in RI. Did get a nice bass
. Lot of people and kids can put some pressure on fish? But that's realistic. Ty tc
Do you get a lot of weird people Creeping in Trucks by your lake? Creepy AF.
Another video showing how 'Realistic' it is out there. Similar situation happened to me a few days ago. Temps warmed up & ice melted by public access for lake. Wanted to try out new combo. Soon as the lure gets wet, guy pulls up out of nowhere & parks next to me. Rolls down window & says I should be ice fishing. I say yeah & laugh it off. Guy continues to sit there and watch me fish. After awhile he even revs engine for a good 30 secs. Finally left after half hour or so. Parking lot is big & was empty. Don't get people sometimes. Thanks for video showing me I'm not the only dealing with it haha.
This is so real!! Weird ass mother f'ers staring at ya and dirty water
The guy in the blue truck was probably a serial killer looking for a place to dump a body and you got him on camera. LOL
"You think youre watching me but im totally watching you" is the funniest thing ive heard in any fishing video
That guy is the reason I carry a pockey knife with me
That's a cool lure. Looks like a hollow body brush hog. Looking those up right now.
Looks like he's checking out the ramp ?
The main reason I carry my pistol when I go fishing
How do you like netbait as a brand? I just picked some up from my local Walmart on clearance. Along with some fusion hooks that was on sale. I'm a rookie with bass fishing so I'm no expert at all when it comes to the different presintations of baits or techniques
Whoever is in that other car is a weirdo!!! Lol. Creeps these days .
just wondering… Is your videos done live streaming and if they are How do I get on them when you are streaming them… I am not a internet or youtube guru…
keepin my eye on Wally world for their fall/ end of summer sale…. I gonna see what I can get for a 20 dollar bill….
"On this episode of Realistic Fisherman we get to see Realistic Fisherman pull his heat out and blast creepy truck dude." Lmao
lot of creepy people in parking lots..better get a rape whistle
Did I win ???
that was a nice bass you caught
creepy blue van is full of googan squad
Realistic fishing has a crazy stalker
I'll be your security for free
Catching up with your shows. Enjoying everyone of them.
Oh ya, some of those park dwellers can be pretty creepy. I've had the same shit happen to me more than a few times.
Here in Victoria, Texas we have a bunch of those blue truck weirdos. Fish on! F#*$ em!
Whats the reel n line u used
nice video and yes , lots of weirdos and dumbasses in this world , when I see grown idiots throwing stones in the place where I'm fishing , I'm thinking , they are just retarded
Awesome vid as always! What's your favorite or #1 Texas rig ? Bait, hook size, line #. Thanks
A. He or she is a true creeper with a beard fetish

B. He or she is a less committed angler that's just creeping on the water and is going to tweet that the conditions were just unfavorable. 2nd teir form of fish talk between anglers.
OR ….
C. I recently rented a late model Toyota Tacoma to check on you….Alex why have you stopped answering my calls…your 12 kids miss you…..
Wish I would have found this channel sooner, you do some great work man
be careful with that people, you never know, nice video…!!!
I like that knife by your coke, can you leave a link in the next video on where to get one?
I'm just outside Boston and shore fish a lake and a couple ponds.. I've got many big fish over the years (3-6.5lbs) on a strike King jig and Net Bait Pacu chunk craw trailer.. Like the channel…
Did you say you get those net baits at Walmart? Haven’t seen them at my local Wally world
Love the bill dance bloopers video in the background.. he was awesome!! Remember watching him with my Dad.. Bill Dance was as real as it got, breaking Rods, falling in water,.. classic.
Love the videos! Keep It up
Bet that truck was waiting to steal some gear
Been to a few Walmarts in my area here in Ohio lately and have yet to find those Netbaits brand. Wondering if it might be regional thing like how some stores in various states still carry Culprit brand plastic worms and many others have done away with them. Also my guess is the kids were out because some schools are already out for Summer Vacation.
Nice Bass on the new Bait!

Nice little intro there Alex! Yeah! Believe it or not you can get some pretty good lures at Walmart! Tight lines my man and keep on keep in it real!!!!
I know sir just looking for new people to fish with to start up a crew for the new fishing channel I want to start up