How To

Bass Fishing with Live Bait, Shinners, Minnows – How To Catch – Tips

Live bait fishing for bass with minnows, shinners, shad, and bluegill can be an excellent way to increase your odds of catching a trophy fish.
I always throw a lure while waiting for a bite on a baited pole. Make sure to suspend the live bait with a smaller bobber and keep the bait from swimming up with a piece of split shot.

Thanks for watching and Good Luck Fishing!


We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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  1. Can I add to this. Things I do to catch larger bass with minnows. 1. Take a sharpie and color the line from the hook to your sinkers and or 12-14 inches from the hook. 2. I try to play into their feeding habits (know your time) 3. Use a bobber with a black bottom so it can’t be seen from under the water ( I myself use the thrill bobbers) 4. Hook the minnow just behind the top back fin just under the spine (the black horizontal line) the minnow will show distress and put more scent into the water. Good luck guys! I also found that weight 12 inches from the hook will give your minnow a smaller area your minnow can swim. But still allow him to move.

  2. Can I add to this. Things I do to catch larger bass with minnows. 1. Take a sharpie and color the line from the hook to your sinkers and or 12-14 inches from the hook. 2. I try to play into their feeding habits (know your time) 3. Use a bobber with a black bottom so it can’t be seen from under the water ( I myself use the thrill bobbers) 4. Hook the minnow just behind the top back fin just under the spine (the black horizontal line) the minnow will show distress and put more scent into the water. Good luck guys! I also found that weight 12 inches from the hook will give your minnow a smaller area your minnow can swim. But still allow him to move.

  3. I use a '58 Fastwin 18hp in my fishing endeavors as well! Great little motor that has been getting me around great so far. Enjoy your videos and find them informative — thanks!

  4. nice fishing trip, makes me envious lol… It is still gray skies, rainy, damp and cold in Portland OR. I have so many great memories fishing bass with my Dad down in the South Louisiana deltas in my youth and those nice warm skies! Enjoy your trips, I hope to be some soon…

  5. Nice fish bud! What is the length and width of your jon boat? I have been restoring mine and have been wondering how much room I'll have. Mine is a 1436 I believe. Keep the good videos coming!

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