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Bass fishing with Fitness Outdoors | Delaware River | Multi species

Ron from Fitness outdoors was able to join me for a trip out on the Delaware River. We had a great time fishing and looking forward to doing it again. Fishing was a little slower then it has been lately but we were still able to put fish in the boat!!! Thanks for watching!!

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  1. What a slayfest! Heartbreaker losing a bigN like that tho. Ouch, that’ll sting for a little while till you land another giant and feel the redemption.

    The drag peel is my fav tune…and you played it in the perfect key 🤙🏼

  2. Awesome collaboration guys! Fun watching both versions. Would have been weird to see you land the big fish in this one after watching you lose it on Ron's video though, haha! Do you have any sturgeon in the Delaware? What ever that was, it was huge.
    Great job getting Ron onto some bass!

  3. Oh man, that stinks when you never even get to se it. But that’s awesome! How do you rig that bait? The senko. I’ve never used one but was going to try one in a deep hole on the river this weekend. I plan to drop it straight down to bottom an jig vertically. Hook on bottom with weight above it . 🤷‍♂️

    Y’all caught a good mess. You’re a great fisherman.

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