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Bass Fishing Tournaments? Good or Bad? Will They Survive

Are we seeing the demise of professional bass fishing? Is forward facing sonar the demise of professional bass fishing tournaments? Is social media the worst thing for bass fishing anglers, fans and tournaments? Is inflation hurting anglers and fans from going fishing? Is professional bass fishing an elitist hobby or sport? Lets talk about this and more in today’s vlog.
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  1. Sport? I’m not sure so many top level pros don’t make money. Payouts given inflation are down compared to 15-30 years ago costs keep rising. I think too much drama in the sport, fair transparent clear rules, plus not true pros making all their income in the sport. Social media hype of products and rising prices. Ben Miliken has some ideas on quick few hour tournaments that would be great TV on back to back weekends like spring and fall season. 30-40 hour fishing tournament over 4 days aren’t going mainstream TV any time soon.

  2. Bass fishing tournaments in its original form, was healthy and entertaining. It was founded on tradition and comradery. However, with the introduction of FFS, it has taken away the tradition of the sport. Some of our favorite anglers, built a career honing techniques and fine tuning the skills necessary to be successful. Anglers could read an actual topo paper map, understood how to " read the water". They also understood how to pattern a lake, and in some case learned how to use TVA waters to their benefit.
    Now?……..just turn on your screen and chase fish up and down the lake until they bite. And i know many of the " so called anglers of today" that can't fish without the handicap of ffs will say, its a tool and it doesn't make the fish bite. For you guys, the DNR studies that have been conducted originally on crappie would prove otherwise. DNR results showed crappie tournaments alone concluded 20-40% catch increase.
    We remember the great names because of specific techniques that they perfected. They will go into the history books as some of the best there was…KVD remembered for his jerkbait and spinner bait skills, Rick Clunn for his spinner bait savy, or How bout David Fritts for his crankbait skills…..I could go on but you get the point. What will these guys now be remembered for? I can see it now…."yup, so and so was one helluva screen watcher back in his day ' or, " yup remember the guy that was on helluva sissy stick minnow shaker guy?" It beyond comical!!
    Yes, the pandemic year in conjunction with massive corporate greed with inflated prices during that time did also effect fishing over all. But the pandemic ended, corporations greed kept fishing boats, tackle etc inflated. Then when we least expected it, a major shift in the economy that also created a " true" inflated market. We are now seeing massive price reductions , rebates, tackle sales down etc….what does that mean for the professional leagues? In the bigger scope of things, not much. The only thing that will change in the tournament industry, is if rules are established and enforced regardless of the league.
    Lastly, the split of MLF and BASS was the best thing that could have happened. MLF created a new identity that evolved and established a format that most fishing fans and weekend anglers can relate too. Yes, there are those that love the 5 fish format. But it is an old and tired format. No one enjoys watching BASS anglers catch their limit in the first hour then spend 7 hours searching for a 1 ounce cull! Thats not entertaining nor relatable. The vast majority of fishing enthusiasts when they are out on the water fish for quantity and quality at the same time….not just one big bite for the day.
    Plus, the split gave the current top names in BASS the chance to cash a check. Prior to the split, ( according to the bassmaster website results ) shows the top 10 nearly every tournament was current MLF anglers. No one had ever heard of Mueller, or Zaldain, or walters or feider etc. They weren't even a blip on the radar because the current Elite anglers list was being dominated by MLF anglers. So yeah, it gave everyone a chance to make some money.
    with that, 2025 should be interesting to say the least.

  3. I am struggling to still call professional fishing a “sport”
    With the massive technological advances and devices being used it just doesn’t seem like it’s “sporting” any longer

  4. FFS and live tv is dull. Need more events where guys can fish "stuff" – wood, weeds, etc. Switching to a guy who is hooked up helps. How MLF "stole" top guys and up and comers left a bad taste in my mouth. Grow your own via FLW/Tackle Wearhouse talent. Try to lure BASS guys. I guess "no entry fees" that they started with didn't turn out so well. Will MLF still be around in say 5 years? They are lucky to have the likes of JW and DC – talent and charisma. BASS has vanilla guys – be a championship regular and become a star

  5. Very few Bass Tournament anglers are making much money in bass fishing. You have to pay entry on top level and there is a line to get in. Sponsorships are harder to come by. Economy is struggling along with many people. Less money for fishing for pros and Joe angler. To compete in many tourneys it’s out of their reach for more and more. Electronics, boats, trolling motor and lures are all way more than even 5 years ago.

  6. What is killing bass fishing is the anglers not talking to the audience. It's not about $, electronics ,or splits. It's about communicating with the audience.

  7. Pro bass fishing is just super unrelatable to the average angler and that's why YouTube fishing has filled that space that pro bass fishing used to hold within the fishing community. To me The Homeless Fisherman is way more relatable than Jacob Wheeler. I have no interest in owning a $100k Diesel truck to towe around a $150k bass boat to go fishing. Float tubes, paddle boards, and a simple paddle kayak are way more my style. No electronics, 2 combos, a small tackle bag, and that's it. The reality is that the fishing industry can't maintain the tournament system anymore. All these pros are broke just like the Homeless Fisherman, but they're locked into the tournament culture. Whereas he can fish the way he likes to, still have sponsors, and the money he makes doesn't go into a tournament trail money pit. That's why it's dying. It's not possible to make a living and raise a family as a pro angler. Guy's will eventually learn that it makes more financial sense to build your own brand in fishing outside of the tournament system. Maybe that means building quality jigs or swimbaits in the garage. Maybe that means starting a YouTube channel. The sad truth is that pro angling has peaked and it's in major decline. The void will be filled by folks who the common, everyday man, can identify with.

  8. A few years ago this Lure came out and it was a really terrific idea. It was really a terrific fish catching tool and it was so good at catching fish that the organizations took a step back and said well there’s nothing wrong with this thing but it’s really having a terrific effect on our tournaments, so we decided that because of that massive effect that was having on the tournaments we should we have decided that we’re not saying anything good or bad about but because of the massive effect it had on tournaments and of course we’re talking about nothing wrong with the Alabama but you see what happened. They never did say anything bad about it but they took it into consideration that it was having OK. Now few years later this other tool comes out and it’s absolutely a great tool. I mean it’s the technology is amazing, help you catch fish teaches you about technology and how to use it and catch more fish. The amazing affect that is having tournaments needs to be looked into. I’m not saying that there’s anything wrong with it. Of course you know we’re talking about facing Sona. there’s nothing wrong with technology is. It’s really cool. It’s a wonderful thing, but I think the companies and the tournament organizations are take a step back and look at it like they get with the is having a major major major effect on the tournaments and that’s what needs to be discussed for vision owners not bad. It’s not a bad thing. It is what it is but the effect that is having on the tournament needs to be dealt with just like it was dealt with with the Alabama That is the solution whatever it is that they decide you can use it or you can’t use it if you try to say well you can use it this time or you can use it that time or some tournaments are on no tournaments. I don’t think that’s the solution, you use it they’re gonna be it’s gonna be or it’s not so that that would be the choice just like you can use it or you can’t use it. This is crazy rick thank you very much.

  9. Unlike professional baseball, basketball, etc., where athletes have to qualify to be professionals either through the NCAA or as a walk-on through tryouts, any bass fishermen can call themselves 'pros' as long as they can pay entry fees and have a boat to compete in. Social media has further blurred those lines, especially those with big followings. Also, FFS has taken away what used to be the biggest advantage of an experienced tournament angler…the ability to consistently find fish. Prior to FFS, those who knew where the fish were usually won the tournaments (or at least cashed a decent check). Seasonal patterns, reading the water, weather conditions, knowledge of tournament venues…all things that take years/decades to learn. FFS seems to have removed what used to be the hardest part of tournament fishing.

  10. Your right the 2 leagues will not combine. But for the good of the sport they should. Each league should have 5 tournaments. The top 50 from each compete in 4 tournaments, reducing the field, to the final 10 compete for the Classic Crest or whatever name, the winner, would be the champion of the world, you could still have AOY from the same field, also Heavy Hitters, and the GT Series. The Classic Crest , Heavy Hitters, and GT Series no FFS. As a life member of bass, I have talked many times about catch, weigh and release. Texas forced them to have no bag limits this year, and they did it. All states should stop all bag limits in the spawn, several northern states, restrict catching bass in the spawn. The look I received from them about change, is silence.

  11. Professional bass fishing is a slick advertising method. Everything done by bassmaster & mlf is to influence purchasing. Nothing is done without selling being the priority. People are learning to stop considering a faster boat a better rod or the latest technique will all of a sudden turn you into a fishing wizard. The bass don't care about your boat or fishing line or which glide bait they prefer. People are not using their brain. Real fishermen know better. FFS PROVES IT. Find the fish you will catch them.

  12. Good discussion. I think inflation is definitely playing a roll but many times that is short term but at the moment I do believe it is hurting the sport. Social Media is definitely a problem. Everyone has a voice out here and many just love stirring the pot but I also think that is across the board with anything and everything so it's not just a thing in our sport. FFS is a big one but technology has always been challenged in this sport. People freaked out with the flasher, and then with first graph, and even when gps mapping was put on them. I think the reason those were not as out spoken as FFS is because of social media. I would be willing to bet there would have been way more controversy over technology back in the day had social media been prevalent. As for the split I don't know. Yeah, there is loyalty but BASS has always needed a push or they just go stale. For those that are young or for those who just had their head in the sand, BASS liked to have to went down years ago when FLW came on seen. They literally crippled BASS but it forced BASS to advance and they overcame their demise and became very strong. FLW made BASS look at things differently and it was needed. I think the same with MLF and I'm telling you it will make BASS step up again and that is a good thing. I do believe the days of the weigh ins are coming to a close, at least in the professional realm. The weigh ins use to be suspenseful and people went to watch the drama unfold but now with live there is no suspense or drama at the weigh ins. You literally know who has what before they get to the scales. I think we will see some ups and downs in the next few years but I do think the sport will survive.

  13. I believe it's social media and the split. The split stopped much of the momentum the pros had by forcing a restart. Social media offers another avenue to watch and learn about fishing. No longer have to be a pro or fish a pro tournament trail to get an audience.

  14. There's really no such thing as a "professional" in tournament fishing anymore. What's professional about trolling motor around until you see fish on your FFS and even worse until you see a bed with a fish on it. FFS and bed fishing should be banned from tournament fishing. Bed fishing is ridiculous. Elites take a big fish off a bed and to the weigh in so they don't finish the spawn. While in the MLF, a bass will get caught off the same bed by multiple competitors day after day and they get to score the weight of that fish every time it's caught.
    These "so called" professional circuits are far from professional!

  15. The sport is dying. Over priced reels, lures, technology to many pros that just pay their way into the sport but can’t make the cut. No retirement for the pros and everyone with a jersey thinks he or she is a professional fisherman,and that my friend isn’t true. A professional gets paid to perform. A professional he or doesn’t need to depend on sponsors to pay his way when a man depends on another man to take care of him in this way he becomes unhappy.

  16. Money!!!! There’s not enough to go around, and there’s less and less each day. The fishing industry has top out around $30 billion a year, FFS makes Fishing a lot cheaper, and in 5 years will be down to a $5 billion , because of FFS, it has to go away…

  17. How about a little bit more drama in the real fishing world— BASS league fishing against MFL league next year, while they can still maintain their rankings within each league, create some duet like tournaments where they are fishing as a group against the other. When the split happened, there was and has been this debate of which league has the better anglers. To your point of people love drama, I think this will draw a lot of attention. They can even compete for who has the better FFS angler, who has the better shallow cover angler, better finesse angler, etc.

  18. There is 100 percent a technology problem. In 10 years as older pros get phased out and younger guys take over fishing will get to a point where everyone is doing the same thing and its basically a race to throw at as many fish as possible. Skill wont matter it basically becomes luck because everyone will be proficient at it.

  19. Love all your content Steve.
    Inflation and the economy are the biggest issues I believe and BASS trying to maintain a 100 angler field in this economy just doesn’t work. Even though it seems harsh the move that MLF is making is the right one again in this economy. The sponsors just don’t have the sales to sponsor 80 to 100 angler fields. Tackle and boat sales are down which means their profits are down. Way too many anglers are struggling financially trying to make it at the highest level. $5000 entry fees only add to the problem.

  20. Let’s be real. Bassmassters has 100 guys that spend a ridiculous amount of time on the water with their electronics. How many of those guys are tearing It up using their ffs compared to before ffs existed? If most of the guys that spend thousands of hours learning their ffs are not much better with it than without, do we really think the weekend warriors are going to use it to destroy fisheries? The only people that could possibly believe that are those that don’t use it.

  21. IMO “Professional” bass fishing is in decline. FFS is undoubtedly speeding up its demise. If you’re not a top notch scopeadoper you are not a top 10 angler. As sponsors get tighter with their money more of the hard working,not so well off, anglers won’t be able to afford to do it. It’s undoubtedly an elitist sport! It’s laughable that these bass rigs push 150 Gs these days! Something drastically will need to change or the “Professional” side of the sport will implode! To be honest, for the preservation of our fisheries that may not be a bad thing!

  22. Demise,I don’t know what you are talking about! BASS isn’t going anywhere, and just think how much better the old bank beaters can be with FFS. Straight up it’s y’all negative pot stirrers that cause all the strife, if there is any. No offense but you Randy and tree(zaldane) gotta get those clicks, just my opinion. Go Ben!!!

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