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Bass Fishing Tournament NONSENSE!

Day number two is finally here, we were boat number two on day one which made us the second to last boat on day 2. This being said we were somehow still able to get to the spot that we had caught them on day one and it didn’t disappoint! After roughly an hour of fishing we were able to put a limit in the boat and after that it was time to move around and try to make a few upgrades to the live wells. Unfortunately for us as we made it to our second spot we ended up having a guest appearance show up that was fishing the other side. He had watched us catch two fish from this one location and decided to take it upon himself that we would cut across and make a few casts in front of our boat and into the area that we had caught them fish. At this point we weren’t able to generate any other bites so we figured it was time to run around and try to find some bigger fish. That is when the bad news started to arise, alarms on the boat started to sound off and we weren’t quite sure what they were for. With that being said we chose to not push the limit and just stay halfway close and fish around the rest of the day. To no avail we decided to head back to the starting spot to see if any new fish had pulled up and that is when the same gentleman decided it was time to drive over top of the area we were fishing… Have any of you experienced this type of behavior in tournaments? If so how did you guys handle them? I decided to leave my mouth shut because it wasn’t worth the argument at the time but looking back at it multiple times it really fires me up because of how disrespectful it is! Thank you all for the support we greatly appreciate it please if you haven’t already smash that subscribe button and while you do that also hit that like button it REALLY helps out the channel with the algorithm and allows us to keep making videos for all of you!

Music from NCS: JJD-Adventure [NCS Release]



We are a team of avid bass fishermen for over 20 years. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook for contests and giveaways

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One Comment

  1. So glad you caught em well in this pool. Sorry that you had the motor issues. That didn't help at all. But you still finished very decent. As far as that other angler, in my opinion he was really disrespectful getting that close to you and then pulling out there right at the exact spot you were fishing. I think you did the right thing by not causing a big issue, although you had every right to say something to him. Karma has a way of bringing about justice. However, I do feel like it would have been okay to speak with him in a calm situation after the tournament and make him aware that you feel like he was not being very respectful in those situations. Maybe the club or trail should have a rule that says you can't fish within 25 yards of another competitor, unless the competitor you are approaching gives you the okay. He was clearly in the wrong. I respect the way you handled it, because you getting into a situation out there with him, would have just ruined your whole day. At least don't let rude and disrespectful anglers who don't care about anyone but themselves, have the benefit of seeing that they ruined your day! Those kind of folks are not worth your time. I would have probably run my mouth and sarcastically asked him if he would like me to move, when he got that close. Keep being awesome my friends! Always rooting for you both!

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