With all the tournaments being cancelled, I did a short video of what Toledo Bend could have been if we got to fish today. I know its just practice but it was going to be a good event and it seems Toledo is making a bit of a comeback. This was my first trip to Toledo in over 2 years so I didn’t know what to expect, but I ended up catching a couple of big ones.
With all the tournaments being cancelled, I did a short video of what Toledo Bend could have been if we got to fish today. I know its just practice but it was going to be a good event and it seems Toledo is making a bit of a comeback. This was my first trip to Toledo in over 2 years so I didn’t know what to expect, but I ended up catching a couple of big ones.
Castlerock and the Z-Train, can't complain about that
Why fish bass off beds let them alone
Todd you were on em son! That 7 was NICE, I bet you would've done really well if they hadnt cancelled. Your skip cast & aim is impressive and I was suprised how fast you moved down the bank. Do you move that fast bc you only hit the best looking targets and move on or to find producing areas faster and cover water? I think I move too slow and hit everything and it slows me down after seeing this so if you can give me some detailed insight I would really appreciate it.
The big crazy guy from up north that you were referring to, that wouldn't happen to be the Z-Train would it? I'd love to see that show buddy.
Hilarious how Castledine looks around inconspicuously after he hooks a big’UN in practice
. “Like… nothing to see here guys. Just a gar or drum maybe”.
Anytime we are boat flippn 7lbrs……its a good thing
Man keep up the good work. I was pumped to here you and Zona getting together and then read the comments. Hopefully after all this passes it will happen.
What do you like better north end or south end of the bend
Wow, some donks!! So, ive been waiting to see someone invent an elevated platform of some sort for sight fishing…Saw you standing on your graph and motor mount, and thought of it again. Being slightly elevated makes all the diff, maybe someone will come up with something. Platform shoes for bed fishing?? :)! Keep up the great work Todd!
Man that could have been a great tournament for you. At least you got out and stuck a few
Good video
Nice fish
Get another mic Todd. Would really help hearing you when you are at the front of the boat. Love the videos!
Ya well join the club bub. We are all suffering from lack of tournament syndrome. Mega bass on lake Fork was canceled this weekend too. That sucks!
Was watching your video with my 3 yr old daughter and she asked if we could call you
Will the new bait you have been working on be available in the clear "nude" color? Great video.
water / joy dishwashing soap mixture /moves the pollen off the water so you can see / water guns never thought of that great idea
I'm hangin in the middle of Montana. Seems to be disease free for now. Sorry to hear your tournaments was cancelled. The bass are lucky. The lake looks good.
just need to get you mic`d up lol. can barely here you at times.
Really enjoy your content!! Why is the squirt gun for?
Geeez, man it looks like it would have lined up just right. Full blown for sure! They have been on the move in the time period you were there, my family has a place on the lower end and they have been moving like crazy to the back of coves as well.
My best
Never thought of using a water gun for that. Cool trick. Gonna have to steal if you lol
Wow amazing, plz vst me too to watch and sprt me
U orta take bets on how many can guess what that water gun was for
What bait were you using? How deep was the big one?
What are the toy guns for?
What’s with water guns, what super secret tech you keep from us?
Zona Live!? Or ZAFS!?
how much more can you be isolated then solo in your own boat I plan on isolating myself today here in arkansas with the approval of the arkansas fish and game commission
Man, I was ready for this one. You'd have put the hammer on them!