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Very misleading title. I was under the impression it was the walleye cheaters part 2.
The guy probably felt like he was in a dream after landing that fish and all that mattered to him was getting that fish on the scales before something happened to it. Those other three fish in his live well vanished from his mind the second that big one hit his bait.
Cheating is knowingly, intentionally and willfully breaking the rules. He did not.
I think it’s ridiculous to feel the need to make a video saying that guy cheated. Clear mistake/misunderstanding of the rules. Which was totally his fault, and the DQ was appropriate but there’s a Huge difference between what he did and tying a 10 to a tree. Crazy click bait+ dragging the guys name over it. If he was cheating he wouldn’t have been allowed to fish the rest of the tournament, and would be banished from the bass scene. This is so
The guy didn’t cheat. He simply did not read the rules and that’s his own fault and cost himself a new boat. He was allowed to fish the next day
Tough break for that guy but props to him for having integrity
Surprised that someone was cheating in a Berkely tournament. Berkley makes a living cheating by knocking off everyone elses ideas.
Who cheated ? Click bait
Cheaters never win!!